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Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME

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  • Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME


    Modern economics is not rocket science. In fact, it’s not science at all. It’s
    a game, a confidence game. Once paper passed for money, economics
    became an elaborate shell game designed to hide the fact paper had been
    substituted for silver and gold. Debt ratings are an attempt to quantify
    confidence in paper assets and are an essential part of the game. The shell
    game is called “Where’s The Money?” The answer is simple, it’s not

    The question “where did the money go during the Great Depression?” has now been
    answered to my satisfaction. During the Great Depression, money essentially disappeared
    and, as a consequence, consumer and business demand collapsed as did prices, beginning
    a downward coreolis-like spiral that was to suck the global economy into an economic
    black hole.

    My study of the Great Depression began in the 1990s and the subsequent collapse of the bubble provided a real-time corroboration of assumptions about the connection
    between loose credit, excessive speculation, and financial bubbles; and, now, in 2008,
    one of my most troubling questions about the depression has been answered—where did
    the money go during the Great Depression?

    Plunge In US Commercial Property, an article by Daniel Pimlott posted on
    (Financial Times) May 21, 2008 provided a critical clue:

    Commercial property prices in the US in February saw their sharpest
    decline since records began nearly 15 years ago as sources of finance for
    deals has dried up, according to data from Standard & Poor’s out

    The value of commercial buildings fell 1.03 percent between January and
    February, the largest monthly decline since at least 1993, when the
    industry was just emerging from a deep slump.

    The fall in national property prices comes as banks have retrenched on
    lending due to credit crisis and the slowing economy, causing the volume
    of deals to slow sharply. The market for commercial mortgage-backed
    securities, which until last August was a major route to cheaper
    borrowing, has largely ground to a halt.

    Sales of commercial properties were down 71 per cent in the first quarter
    compared with a year earlier, according to data from Real Capital

    The fact that sales of US commercial real estate fell an astounding 71 % from 1st quarter
    2007 to 1st quarter 2008 is shocking and the implications are quite serious. The cause of
    the slowdown, however, provided the very clue I was seeking.

    Commercial property prices in the US...saw their sharpest decline…as sources of finance
    for deals has dried up… as banks have retrenched on lending due to credit crisis…


    The answer to: Where did the money go in the Great Depression? is found in the
    metaphor of the shell game. It is now clear that money didn’t disappear during the Great
    Depression, credit disappeared.

    The money was never there in the first place. Money had been replaced by credit in the
    shell game introduced by the Federal Reserve in 1913 when the Federal Reserve began
    issuing credit-based Federal Reserve notes in place of the savings-based money from the
    US Treasury.

    For details on how the shell game is run, Professor Antal E. Fekete’s description of the
    check kiting scheme between the US Treasury and Federal Reserve provides crucial
    information for those perhaps wishing themselves to live off the earnings of others.

    It is epitomized by an elaborate check-kiting conspiracy between the U.S:
    Treasury and the Federal Reserve. Treasury bonds, contrary to
    appearances, are no more redeemable than Federal Reserve notes. It’s all
    very neat: the notes are backed by the bonds, and the bonds are
    redeemable by the notes. Therefore each is valued in terms of itself, rather
    than by an independent outside asset. Each is an irredeemable liability of
    the U.S: government. The whole scheme boils down to a farce. It is check-
    kiting at the highest level. At maturity the bonds are replaced by another
    with a more distant maturity date, or they are ostensibly paid in the form
    of irredeemable currency. The issuer of either type of debt is usurping a
    privilege without accepting the countervailing duty. They issue obligations
    without taking any further responsibility for their fate or for the effect they
    have on the economy. Moreover, a double standard of justice is involved.
    Check-kiting is a crime under the Criminal Code. That is, provided that it
    is perpetrated by private individuals. Practiced at the highest level, check-
    kiting is the corner-stone of the monetary system.
    GOTTERDÄMMERUNG The Twilight of Irredeemable Debt, Antal E.
    Fekete, April 28, 2008


    In the shell game of modern economics, credit replaces money and when credit gives rise
    to speculative bubbles, the collapse of those bubbles leads to the defaulting of debt which
    causes credit to disappear and the economy to collapse.

    The credit based shell game, however, is nearing its end. The historic credit contraction
    that began in August 2007 is still in progress. Despite the efforts of central bankers, credit
    is still disappearing and, just as in the Great Depression, the credit contraction is
    continuing to spread causing more and more debt to default.

    Credit, the fertilizer of human debt, when no longer available effectively spells the end of
    the legalized shell game masquerading as modern economics; but the kreditmeisters, their
    global confidence game now damaged by an unexpected lack of confidence on the part of
    the marks, sic investors, however, will not give up their scam easily.


    Those running the shell game, the central bankers and their codependent brethren,
    investment bankers, are terrified of losing their day jobs, They have lived well for three
    hundred years (since the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694) leveraging the
    productivity of others and we can be assured they will do everything in their considerable
    power to keep their lifestyle intact..

    At this time the central bankers are collectively engaged in financial triage as they
    attempt to replace the credit that is rapidly being withdrawn in the face of ever increasing
    amounts of defaulting debt.

    Following the same play book they used in the aftermath of the collapse, the Fed
    has quickly cut rates from 5.25 % to 2 % but this time they will not ignite a housing
    bubble as they did the last time. This time, they will do worse. This time, they will burn
    down the house.


    In the long run, there is no short run

    In retrospect it will all be clear, the mistakes, the reasons, the excuses, the results. Now,
    however, in the beginning of the collapse, events appear more problematic, the outcome
    still unknown. Nonetheless, even in the fog of unexpected events, certain things can be
    known and safely predicted; and, one of them is that we are now on the road to

    Appointing “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke to head the Federal Reserve now is akin to
    sending Sammy the Bull, the mafia hit-man, to negotiate with the Palestinians and
    Israelis; and when the news comes back that Sammy the Bull shot and killed the
    Palestinians and Israelis at the negotiating table, we should not be surprised—just as we
    should not be surprised that Ben “the printing press” Bernanke is erring on the side of

    excess in the current economic crisis by providing even more credit, by shoving even
    more debt based paper into now a burning house.


    Hyperinflation is to inflation like pneumonia is to a cold. Though similar, the former is
    much more consequential; and whereas pneumonia can sometimes kill, hyperinflation is a
    veritable death sentence. Hyperinflation always ends in the total destruction of paper
    money. In hyperinflation, the value of paper money reverts to its mean—ZERO.

    The past is indeed prologue when it comes to humanity, printing presses, and the
    recurrent desire of governments to turn paper into gold; which through the alchemy of
    central banking is possible—though only for a limited time.

    While central bankers and governments do not intend to cause hyperinflation anymore
    than drunk drivers intend to crash, they are nonetheless responsible for the decisions that
    lead to hyperinflation and deflationary depressions.

    The United States has experienced high rates of inflation in the past and appears to be
    running the same type of fiscal policies that engendered hyperinflations in 20 countries
    over the past century.
    Professor Laurance Kotlikoff, Federal Reserve Bank Review St Louis July/Aug 2006

    The US is the largest economy in the world and the US dollar is the world’s reserve
    currency. Its central bank, the Federal Reserve, is the most influential, and Ben “the
    printing press” Bernanke is its chairman. We should not be surprised at what is now
    going to happen to the US, the US dollar and the world economy.

    As the Fed is busy bailing out international investment banks with America’s money, we
    should be more concerned with what is going to happen to us; because when the US
    dollar goes up in smoke, the US economy will go down in flames and the world economy
    will stumble badly, if not collapse completely.

    Hyperinflation will destroy both the US dollar and the US economy and the world will
    not be unaffected. Professor Kotlikoff’s warning about a US hyperinflation was published
    in 2006; and, now in 2008, US printing presses under Fed chairman Ben Bernanke are
    running faster than they’ve ever been run before.


    Friedrich Kessler, a law professor at Harvard and at Boalt Hall UC Berkeley described
    the onset of hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic in Germany.

    It was horrible. Horrible! Like lightening it struck. No one was prepared. You cannot
    imagine the rapidity with which the whole thing happened. The shelves in the grocery
    stores were empty. You could buy nothing with your paper money.
    From Fiat Paper Money, The History And Evolution of Our Currency $28.50 by Ralph T.
    Foster, (510) 845-3015 This book, a primer on the end game, is
    everything you wanted to know about fiat paper money and were too afraid to ask.

    At Session III of Professor Fekete’s Gold Standard University Live in February, I
    discussed the possibility of a sequential or simultaneous hyperinflationary deflationary
    depression, the economic equivalent of having both a severe heart condition and a
    possibly fatal cancer at the same time. Such is not impossible; in fact, it is increasingly

    I highly recommend the thorough and studied analysis of hyperinflation and concurrent
    possibilities in John Williams’ Hyperinflation Special Report, Shadow Government
    Statistics, Series Issue No. 41, April 8, 2008,
    John Williams also references and recommends Ralph T. Foster’s Fiat Paper Money, The
    History And Evolution of Our Currency noted above.

    The critical question should now be asked: What can we do?


    The following is from The Nightmare German Inflation, Scientific Market Analysis,
    1970, which describes the extreme hyperinflationary conditions during the Weimar
    Republic in the 1920s:

    The ones who fared best were the small minority who had the foresight to exchange
    marks into foreign money or gold very early, before new laws made this difficult and
    before the mark lost too much value.

    The difference between 1920s Germany and today is that there are no longer any
    currencies convertible to precious metals. In the 1920s, when hyperinflation destroyed
    the German mark, other currencies were still tied to gold. Today, this is no longer the
    case. Today, only gold and silver will offer guaranteed monetary refuge during the
    coming crisis.

    A hyperinflation is a monetary phenomena caused by the rapid printing of money not
    convertible to gold or silver. The inflation of the paper money supply happens gradually,
    but hyperinflation is itself a sudden-onset phenomena. Suddenly and unexpectedly,
    inflation becomes hyperinflation and unless you are already prepared, it is already too

    Today, we are moving closer to the end game, the resolution of past monetary sins when
    the banker’s shell game is exposed for what it is—a monetary abomination, a parasite on
    the economic body that over time kills the host on which it feeds.

    Be aware. Be careful. Be safe.

    Have faith.

    Note I: I now have a blog, Moving Through The Maelstom with Darryl Robert Schoon.
    My first blog discusses the underlying reasons for our increasing series of crises.

    Note II: I will be speaking at Professor Antal E. Fekete’s Session IV of Gold Standard
    University Live (GSUL) July 3-6, 2008 in Szombathely, Hungary. If you are interested in
    monetary matters and gold, the opportunity to hear Professor Fekete should not be
    missed. A perusal of Professor Fekete’s topics may convince you to attend (see ). Professor Fekete, in my opinion, is a giant in
    a time of small men.

    Darryl Robert Schoon

  • #2
    Re: Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME

    Sapiens, do you concur with the opinion in this post, or are you just presenting it for interest. If I remember correctly, you typically argue not for inflation, much less hyperinflation, but for deflation. Has your position changed?


    • #3
      Re: Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME

      Originally posted by Andreuccio View Post
      Sapiens, do you concur with the opinion in this post, or are you just presenting it for interest. If I remember correctly, you typically argue not for inflation, much less hyperinflation, but for deflation. Has your position changed?

      Schoon has almost figured the system out in my opinion.

      I don't agree with him on his hyperinflation call, as far as to how I understand his term "hyperinflation".

      I have been calling for a massive credit contraction, not quite deflation as I take people define deflation as a decrease in the general price level.

      Let me tell you, this is a real game of Monopoly; if you want to figure this out get the board game and clearly understand the objective of the board game and you will have your answer.


      • #4
        Re: Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME

        Interesting point, Sapiens you seem to imply that bankers are playing the games Dr. Michael Hudson alludes to in Russia, the Baltics, South America, etc: create debt, cause a currency collapse, then repossess everything.

        All the more reason to get out quick.


        • #5
          Re: Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME

          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
          Interesting point, Sapiens you seem to imply that bankers are playing the games Dr. Michael Hudson alludes to in Russia, the Baltics, South America, etc: create debt, cause a currency collapse, then repossess everything.

          All the more reason to get out quick.
          But what to get into?


          • #6
            Re: Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME

            I've already made my position known - my bet is on the Russia horse.

            Sure, lots of things to be uncomfortable about, but at least no worry about dollar exposure nor America economy effects.

            For you - figure out where you can go as long as it isn't in the dollar zone.

            South America might not be bad - Brazil perhaps.

            Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven?


            • #7
              Re: Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME

              Originally posted by c1ue View Post
              I've already made my position known - my bet is on the Russia horse.

              Sure, lots of things to be uncomfortable about, but at least no worry about dollar exposure nor America economy effects.

              For you - figure out where you can go as long as it isn't in the dollar zone.

              South America might not be bad - Brazil perhaps.

              Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven?
              If Brazil is Hell, sign me up for eternal damnation. I spent a few months there, (albeit 20 years ago), and found it, well, heavenly.

              What exactly is the dollar zone? Is Mexico within it? That would be a much more likely option for me.


              • #8
                Re: Darryl Robert Schoon: THE SHELL GAME

                The point isn't that South America is Hell.

                Another way of putting it: big fish, small pond.

                It can be a very nice small pond, and a growing one, but still a small pond.

