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  • Money



    Hartford Van Dyke

    Non-Union Lawyer
    All debts are satisfied by one or both of two things: a payment, and a promise to pay. Every payment is by substance, and every promise to pay is accomplished by a currency or paper which is technically known as a commercial lien. The satisfaction of the debt by providing substance is called "paying the debt". The satisfaction of the debt by a written or printed promise to pay the debt is called "discharging the debt". All debts are "paid" by substance. All debts are only "discharged" by currency, pocket money notes, or other commercial liens.

    The symbol of energy in a social system is called money.
    Money is of two kinds, either substance money or paper money. Substance money includes real property (land), precious metals (gold, silver, copper, etc.), gems, and other things of real and lasting value. Paper money consists of notes which declare a debt or obligation and which promise or demand payment. All such evidence of debt or obligation are technically known as Commercial Liens. Such notes include currency (for example, Federal Reserve Notes), checks, drafts (conditional checks), notes of exchange (paper money between banks), etc.


    A Federal Reserve Note is a commercial lien on the Federal Reserve Bank. A personal check is a commercial lien on the bank account of the maker of the check (cheque). A draft is a check (cheque) with a conditional agreement printed above the place of endorsement on the back side of the draft. A note of exchange is a commercial lien between banks consisting of one bank demanding payment from another bank. A personal check (cheque), while passing between banks, is a note of exchange. Even a cash register receipt used to obtain a refund from a store for defective merchandise, signed and handed to the cashier as proof of purchase, is, and can be used as, a medium of exchange/money by the store to obtain a refund or more product from the manufacturer.

    Bank accounts are backed (supported) either by substance money or by paper money, or by both. The substance money is called collateral. The paper money can be currency (for example, paper money notes), a loan of credit from the bank, or checks or other paper money such as commercial liens received from other sources.

    A debt which is satisfied by substance money is said to be "paid". A debt which is satisfied by paper money is said to be "discharged". Most debts in the United States of America are satisfied by the use of currency, checks (cheques), or other paper representative of value (of a debt to be paid), in other words, are satisfied generally by commercial liens, hence most debts in the United States are not "paid", they are only "discharged".

    A valid currency can be established by making a valid claim of debt by an affidavit in the form of a commercial lien and by allowing that lien to mature in three (3) months (90 days) into accounts receivable by the failure of the lien debtor to contest the lien (and its affidavit) by a counter-affidavit. (A lien must contain (1) the names of the parties, claimants and debtors, (2) an Affidavit stating the events which created the obligation, (3) a ledger giving a one-to-one correspondence between events and their values, (4) a list of property pledged or claimed to secure the payment of the obligation, and (5) any evidence or exhibits in support of the claims made against the debtor.)

    The primary method of establishing a commercial lien currency/paper money is to combine (1) a promise to perform, (2) a claim of a breach of that promise, and (3) a three month (90 day) default by the failure to challenge or rebut the claim of breach of contract.

    Commercial Lien Currency can take the form of a bank check (cheque), a draft, or some other mode of commercial lien assignment.

    LEROY SCHWEITZER has, according to one of his students, researched the law to understand money and to understand how the law authorizes any knowledgeable individual to obtain financing through the comptroller of the currency of the United States of America using matured commercial liens. The universal method which he discovered by his studies naturally creates a money system which could harmoniously operate side by side with that of the Federal Reserve System and the United States Government. However, Mr. Schweitzer is willing to operate his system without charging interest for the use of his capital, whereas the Federal Reserve System does charge interest for the use of its capital and does not want to lose that interest through the competition with Mr. Scwheitzer. Hence the attacks on Mr. Schweitzer and his students by the Federal Reserve Corporation and the U.S. Government which protects the Federal Reserve Corporation. Schweitzer's application of the law works.
    (file name:vandyke4.htm)

    Hartford Van Dyke
    Non-Union Lawyer
    P.O. Box 3100
    Battle Ground, WA 98604
    (360) 687-5680

    (Current Location: http//

  • #2
    The Commercial Principles Governing the Engineering of Public Wealth Rebate Banks

    The Commercial Principles Governing the Engineering of Public Wealth Rebate Banks
    (a.k.a. "Robin Hood Banks")
    by Hartford Van Dyke


    Money is a social symbol for the existence of the intrinsic social survival value of mankind, a symbol for the Sun's daily delivery of energy to the earth.


    Public Wealth Rebate Banks LAWFULLY SEIZE AND RECOVER WEALTH (taxes etc.) stolen by corrupt officials and others engaged in government organized crime and return it to the common people, the Public, to reimburse and revitalize the common people (Public). These banks bring to mind the legendary character known as Robin Hood, who had the more vigorous informal cavalier way of correcting the same social wrongs of Old England. This is the reason for referring PUBLIC Wealth Rebate Banks by the term "Robin Hood Banks." They paramountly represent the interests of a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

    Governments are usually operated by people who do not want to consider the needs of others, hence rule by force, not reason, too often with the result that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Consequently, governments are not inclined to correct their own evils, and, to the contrary, tend to perpetuate their own evils, and especially to punish those who-resist the evils of the government. Understandably, then, Public Wealth Rebate Banks are PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, necessarily founded and operated by non-government self appointed (42 USC 1986) public servants who operate as public escrow agents known as Public Proxies, and always under the threat of government retaliation. Public Wealth Rebate Banks are operated:

    (1) pursuant to the Universal and Eternal Natural Laws of Commerce.
    (2) pursuant to the United States Constitution 9th Amendment which guarantees the Natural Right to Exercise Any Self-Defense.
    (3) pursuant to the social 'brother's keeper principle' suggested in 42 USC 1986 and in 18 USC 4.
    (4) pursuant to the commercial fair market values suggested by 18 USC 241 and 18 USC 242, the fair market values to be levied in commerce against violations against the public and its Constitutions, and especially against those violations committed by government officers and agents of the Public Trust, and
    (5) pursuant to the remuneration principles suggested by 42 USC 1994 and 18 USC 1581, which clearly state that whatever the government compels the Citizen to do for society, pursuant to statutory law, less than duty in a foreign war, is labor in the ordinary sense, so the government must stand. good for a compensation for that labor in commerce or not expect the citizen to seriously obey the statutes of the government.

    Public Wealth Rebate Banks keep a public record of all of their organizational by-laws and commercial transactions, which the public can inspect and copy either during regular banking hours or by ordering information to be sent to them, without filing any formal requests for information. Public Wealth Rebate Banks are Charitable Public Trust Foundations engaged in generating, screening, processing, and directing Commercial Affidavits of Obligation known as Commercial Liens. (A Common Law Lien is inferior to a Commercial [Law] Lien in that a Common Law Lien does not contain EXPLICIT LEDGERING, hence relies upon the discretion of a jury to decide the obligation.)

    Generally, Public Wealth Rebate Banks acquire their assets through lawful public claims made by way of Affidavits of information (Criminal Complaints) (1st Amendment guaranteed petitions) against corrupt public officials, et al, who, by their failure to respond within 90 days, admit by default, their public contempt, their public guilt and their liability. Public Wealth Rebate Banks engage in the lawful altruistic /charitable disbursement of public malpractice default judgments to the Public, by generating a Commercial Lien Assignment Currency known as Public Wealth Rebate Notes, establishing thereby, a lawful method for the Public to lay Claim to the real and moveable property of the Lien Debtor party(ies).

    Therefore, Public Wealth Rebate Banks are lawful Commercial (1st Amendment) Demand Note Currency Banks. Money is a social symbol for the existence of the intrinsic social survival value of mankind, a symbol for the Sun's daily delivery of energy to the earth via agriculture, hydroelectric power etc and a symbol for the capacity of HUMAN LABOR to use information and intelligence to gain amplified access to Nature's resources of energy.

    The intrinsic value of the human labor of a population to amplify energy access, is represented by Population Notes or Allowance Notes which are of the First Class of Notes. Commercial Notes are of two types or classes, namely, Population or Allowance Notes, and Promissory Notes. Allowance Notes are a public statement of the intrinsic worth of the common people of a society and in accordance with the Equal Protection Maxim of Commercial Law (Matt. 5:45), can only be spent into circulation on an equal per person per day basis by the common people, and then only to create a currency to meet the ordinary need to have something to use for buying, selling, etc.

    Allowance Notes must be generated only by public governments, and the distribution of such Notes to the public to spend into circulation must be kept to a minimum by that government to prevent destruction of the motivation to do labor. Any attempt on the part of the government or private corporations (e g. the Federal Reserve Corporation) to spend or loan Allowance Notes into circulation is a felony, hence cannot create a National Debt. A Promissory Note, a Second Class Note, is a written promise to pay or repay a specified sum of money at a stated time or on demand. There are no statutory limitations on Promissory Notes because they do not act as Allowance Notes to create new money circulation, but merely serve to transfer the value of money which already exists.

    A public Wealth Rebate Note is a Reversed Party Promissory Note, a Demand Note made by a creditor or claimant against a debtor based on the Debtor's promise to pay or to perform.


    From: Hartford Van Dyke

    What a person needs to understand; its very simple and its very subtle, and it can go by so fast you don't even appreciate it.

    The DISTRICT COURTS Of the UNITED STATES were given up years ago. There are no DISTRICT COURTS in the UNITED STATES.



    District Court of the United States WOULD BE SUBJECT TO THE CONSTITUTION, AN Article III (3) Court.

    Supreme Court of the United States would be an Article III (3) Court.

    Basically, this is a UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, that handled my case. It's an ADMINISTRATIVE COURT or CORPORATE COURT.


    All it could do was slap my hand and tell me not to do it anymore and explain to me what I could do better. It couldn't put me in jail, so they violated that aspect of things. They just skimmed past that, so they don't want the public to understand the dog and pony show anymore.

    The case was set United States of America vs. Hartford Van Dyke.

    The United States of America is a LEGAL FICTION, which means it is not a flesh and blood person, it can't accuse, so it could never bring a criminal case. It has to be brought ex rel.

    Look up the term in Black's Law Dictionary, and it explains ex relation, relation of a person telling the story to the Prosecuting Attorney. That's the accuser and the accuser's name has to appear right under the United States of America a rel. Accuser's Name vs. Accused Party. On the right hand side there is a CR number.

    A CR number on a case that doesn't say ex rel and name the accusing party is fraud.

