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  • Notes from the UNDERGROUND: FREEDOM begins with BREAKING the MENTAL CHAINS!

    Notes from the UNDERGROUND: FREEDOM begins with BREAKING the MENTAL CHAINS!

    At this point, if you spend much time researching power politics or the distribution of wealth, resources and basic necessities, it seems evident and undeniable, dare I say, “common sense,” that we, in fact, live in a neo-feudal society built on debt and mental slavery.

    That may sound like over-the-top rhetoric, and it obviously sounds extreme to propagandized and conditioned minds, and yes, it is extreme. However, it is the unfortunate reality of the present situation. The facts are there for the rational and unbiased mind to absorb and comprehend.

    If you take a few minutes of your time and read this through, it will easily be proven. We will look at how the system works, and then, hopefully, we will begin the process of evolving society together, as grandiose as that may sound.

    Let’s start by giving some context and perspective on present circumstances by breaking down some economic data. As Thomas Jefferson once said, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”
    - See more at:

  • #2
    Re: Notes from the UNDERGROUND: FREEDOM begins with BREAKING the MENTAL CHAINS!

    Originally posted by degraw
    Notes from the UNDERGROUND: FREEDOM begins with BREAKING the MENTAL CHAINS! Debt Slavery

    It is the denial of wealth that keeps you in check; it keeps you in debt.
    Just at the point when technological advancement, production, distribution and wealth increases should have made everyone’s life much easier, just when basic necessities should have become much more affordable and easier to obtain, they became more expensive.
    The cost of production dropped dramatically and efficiency of distribution skyrocketed. Housing, food, health and education costs should have plummeted dramatically. However, most basic necessities now come at a much higher price, and people are forced to take on increasing levels of debt to keep up. As most people are aware, student debt, consumer debt, medical debt and household debt have reached all-time record highs.

    As an old wise person once said, “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.”

    We live in a neo-feudal system of debt slavery. The indentured servant is now the indebted consumer.
    When you understand the wealth at hand, you begin to grasp the crime against humanity that is afoot. We live in the richest, most technologically advanced society humanity has ever known. Yet, here we are, in the 21st century, with an all-time record number of Americans living in poverty.
    Crime Against Humanity
    After careful consideration, it must be said that this is not only the greatest theft of wealth in history; it is also the greatest crime against humanity in history.
    People can’t afford to pay their medical billions. Millions upon millions of American families have lost their homes, and millions more are on the verge of losing their homes. An all-time record number of children are going hungry. Meanwhile, record-breaking profits and record-breaking bonuses for the bailed out banana republic aristocracy.

    the .gov SPENDING more than it takes in, TRILLIONS more on stuff that does nothing but drive US further into the dirt is DIRECTLY THE FAULT OF THE POLITICAL CLASS.

    it is the 'liberal' view of the function of .gov being somehow 'benevolent' that has got us here.

    from the concept of the US .mil being 'the beat cop of the free world' - to the idea that the 'social safety net' ends up padding the retirement accounts of upper income households (sorry, but if one has 100grand/year income in 'retirement', one does not need soc-sec nor medicare) - never mind 'fixing healthcare' by dumping 30million people onto the backs of The Rest of US who were already paying for it, while doing NOTHING to address root causes of the out-of-control med/insurance/legal-tort/drug cartel's domination over 1/4 of the economy - the to the reality(nightmare) of 37pages of glass-steagall being replaced by 2300+ pages of gobbledeegook legalese and having this all jammed down our throats and referred to as an 'improvement'

    yeah, the 1/10th of 1% is screwing The Rest of US, but its the POLITICAL ARISTOCRACY that is enabling them.

    and again, after nearly 400years later, The State of New Hampshire _still_ shows how the government _ought_ to function.
    (read: no sales tax and no income tax and a volunteer legislature that deprives the political class of the means (slushfund) to buy votes and curry favor with the crony/welfare class)

    wish i had the time and intellectual horsepower to expound more on this topic, but suffice it to say that the only way the problem will ever be addressed, NEVER MIND FIXED - is to remove the lifetime gravy train of benefits that they have voted for themselves that enables congress (and the rest of the beltway political class) to perpetuate its malfeasance by enacting TERM LIMITS for congress - maybe THEN they'll do whats best for the country as a whole and not just whats best for them and their own re-elections.

    happy fryday everybody!


    • #3
      Re: Notes from the UNDERGROUND: FREEDOM begins with BREAKING the MENTAL CHAINS!

      Originally posted by lektrode View Post enacting TERM LIMITS for congress - maybe THEN they'll do whats best for the country as a whole and not just whats best for them and their own re-elections.

      happy fryday everybody!
      Happy Friday to you too, lektrode!

      I completely share your frustration. But I'm not sure I concur with the solution you propose.

      term limits => inexperienced legislators => even more subject to manipulation by outside forces
      term limits => revolving door between industry and the legislature
      term limits => less ability to judge legislators by a voting track record => more "character" based campaigns => money plays a bigger role in elections than it does now.

      I don't know what the answer is, yet, given the depth to which this contagion has been driven by Citizen's United. There may or may not be one. But the more I consider the question, the more it seems to me that term limits may actually make things even worse. Instead of elections being mostly about money, they might instead be entirely about money.


      • #4
        Re: Notes from the UNDERGROUND: FREEDOM begins with BREAKING the MENTAL CHAINS!

        Originally posted by astonas View Post
        ....But the more I consider the question, the more it seems to me that term limits may actually make things even worse. Instead of elections being mostly about money, they might instead be entirely about money.
        with all due respect, mr a (and theres plenty) - and nothing personal, since we've seen the same POV from others here - but this logic, to me - sounds like liberal apologism for the political class - ie: and it seems to come from those who benefit by the status quo (not saying you do, however)

        i also think that the supposed drawbacks to term limits can be addressed with a few simple tweaks rules(laws) on stuff like political campaigns and lobbying activities.

        the first thing i would do is: LIMIT THE CAMPAIGN SEASON to 30 to 60days before the election - this now routine 'season' that starts alomst immed after the conclusion of nat'l elections is part of the problem and a BIG part -

        the next thing i would do is re-instate the 'equal time' regulations and mandate free (and time limited as per above) campaign adverts from the media, the broadcast media in particular - its simple: want to take the money (bribery) out of elections?

        TAKE THE MONEY (and profits) OUT OF CAMPAIGN ADVERTISING - if it was limited to a 30-60day window and FREE to the candidates (and ONLY the candidates, and NOT their PACS) - then they simply wouldnt need millions to BILLIONS for one election?

        seems to me that the big money in campaigns started directly as a result of the repeal of 'equal time'
        and that the generally liberal-leaning lamestream media, who has shown they're only interested in providing coverage of 'news' that advances the liberal agenda, while ignoring anything that would rock their boat

        we dont get daily, in-yer-face coverage of the banksters fraud because it indicts the political policies - and political contrivances - that contributed directly to the meltdown of 2008-09 and would put the administration (darlings of the liberal media) on the hotseat, so it gets ignored - even after painstaking, exhaustive coverage of it by publicly funded and 'alternative' media.

        TAKE AWAY THE PROFITS TO THE MEDIA FROM POLITICAL CAMPAIGNING and you'd cut-off the primary source (motivation) of corruption in the political class.

        make them essentially volunteers, as in new hampshire - and you'd make the concept of 'seniority' self-limiting - precisely as it is in NH - and then you'd see a whole different class of individuals in congress - since what we have now is mostly ego-driven, power-mad types that are motiviated by the endless/lifetime gravytrain of benefits they voted for themselves...

        i flatly refuse to accept that there's nothing that can be done to fix congress' malfeasance and term limits is where it needs to start.

        far as i'm concerned, when their terms in office are up, they 'retire' with ZILCH and have to go back to work, like The Rest of US
        (vs the endless gravytrain and revolving-door they've setup for themselves)

        again - i dont have the time (getting glared/sighed-at now) or the smarts/knowledge to debate this one, but maybe we can get others to weigh-in, as i think this discussion needs to happen - at the national level - if we are to have ANY HOPE FOR CHANGE.
        Last edited by lektrode; June 10, 2013, 10:41 AM.

