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The ancient belief in words having "magical" power

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  • The ancient belief in words having "magical" power

    We depend on words. We place enormous faith in words—that they mean and sound as intended—in order to live in this world. We “trust” words using words like “trust” --from 12th Century Latin trausti = "an approved agreement, deed, oath or alliance as a subject of the church"-- Its claimed origins from Old Norse deliberately misleading.

    Is this what you mean when you use, write and speak the word “trust”? Have you consented to an oath or alliance as a subject of the Roman Cult enthroned at Vatican Hill? Maybe you have, maybe you have not. But most people would never have heard of this original and primary meaning—the true intended meaning of the constructed word.

    Why is the first meaning of a word important anyway? We are taught that words are pegs upon which ideas are attached—mere tools to convey meaning—not really having any “great and mystical power”. Yet this deliberate confused teaching is in direct contradiction to the very nature of words and their vocal pronunciation throughout history. Words are power—special words have special power.

    The ancient belief in words having "magical" power
    So thought the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans and all ancient civilizations that created new forms of writing, attached meaning to the arrangement of symbols including meaningful sound.

    From the very beginning of civilization itself, words themselves were magical—and to know the true meaning of a word and its origins was to hold in your grasp real power.
    The origins of words and power
    It is one thing to forget the precedence of history that the true meaning of a word is power, it is another thing entirely to forget that all language--all language created by men and women has a single point of origin--an architect.
    As it happens, there are specific points and individuals in history that excelled in the creation of new words and meanings with then long periods of use, or eventual decline.
    In the 8th Century, Charlemagne and his family were instrumental in the creation of many hundreds of new words attached to meanings in the form of the language Anglaisé--the proper ancient name for Old French and the 1st official language of the Catholic Church.
    In the 11th Century, Gregory VII financed by Venetian Sephardic Jewish exile Pietro Leoni were instrumental in creating hundreds of new Latin words, and the corruption of many ancient meanings to form the liturgy and framework of the Roman Cult, which took over the Catholic Church.
    Then in the 12th Century, Nicholas Sheakspeare the true "Father of English" also known as Pope Adrian IV-- the first and only English Pope of the Catholic Church and the only Pope to switch from being Catholic to being a member of the Roman Cult --was instrumental with King Henry II in the formation of a uniquely "English" brand of hybrid Anglaisé-Latin to form the legal framework of English.
    And in the 13th Century, individuals such as Pope Innocent IV, Francis of Assisi and Thomas Acquinas were key in the establishment of the backbone of the modern legal system from Venetian maritime law through the creation of even more corrupted Latin words and even hybrid English back to Latin.
    Why are the true original meaning of so many words hidden?
    So how come the original meaning of “trust” is hidden? How come the original meaning of so many words we take for granted --for example understand meaning “To stand under the authority of the Church (Roman Cult)”— are also deliberately hidden?

    The answer is simple—“they” do not want you to know the true nature and meaning of the words you use every day without ever questioning what you are actually saying under “their” system—from “person”, to “claim”, to “deposit” to even the word “law” itself.

    The catch-22 of modern law and meaning of key words
    A classic of why this system of deliberate hidding meaning is in place is in regards to the practical operation of local, national and international law.
    Many a bright person who has studied law soon identify key words that have important power within the legal system--REGINA meaning "The Crown" is one such example. But unless an individual can demonstrate to the Court an understanding and precedence of the legal terms being used, the knowledge of key legal terms and ancient legal phrases are of little use.
    But when an individual is capable of demonstrating a real understanding of words within a Court, then it is possible to shift the power almost immediately to your favour to some degree.
    The intention of this glossary
    The intention therefore of this glossary is to provide an insight into some of the important legal words of power and control used by modern governments pledging alliance to the present legal system of the Holy See—the “common law” that threads its web throughout almost every single nation on Earth.

    By understanding the original meaning and intention of these words, it is hoped you will better understand the implications of many of the documents and actions you take for granted on a daily basis.

    more at

  • #2
    Re: The ancient belief in words having "magical" power

    I am not sure what any of this has to do with iTulip, but I shake my head at extrapolations of ancient "beliefs" being diluted and reduce to mere metaphorical descriptions that are explained in modern contexts so as to make the concept graspable by our limited present paradigms. The above mini-essay attempts to argue that "words have power", and references ancient civilizations who believed so, but then reduces said "power" to mere strong, hidden and specific meaning within a legal context. This is an ignorant perspective, much as its conclusions from a modern perspective may still be useful.

    This is not what those ancient civilizations meant by "words have power", they quite literally meant magical/mystical power; which ironically is actually a very detailed form of ancient science. The problem is that the term "word" is highly misunderstood. They did not mean some kind of Harry Potter equivalent, where the mere utterance of the right syllables in whatever ancient language / root language, was sufficient to enact some kind of physical manifestation. That's complete nonense both from a modern and acient perspective. The "word" was a combination of extremely focused mental, physical and astral energetic exertion, and yes combined with a verbal utterance which then resulted in a specific physical manifestation [entire book of instruction here]. The unitiated watching this however, mistakenly associated the verbal utternaces with power - because that is all that was observable from the actions of said powerful individual. The mental, physical and astral energetic exertions are not observable by the physical eyes. In other words, the 'power' of the magical words all nearly originated from non observable sources internal to the individual. The more advanced the magician, the less physical observable actions were required. The beginners had to go through very lengthy and elaborate rituals to manifest what the more advanced could achieve with the mere utterance of a specific phrase or word (combined with all the invisible forces at work). The most advanced didn't even need to utter a word, or lift a finger. The 'magic' was reduced to exerting unobservable (by the physical eye) mental and astral power.

    To reduce all of this into the context of legal common law is gross ignorance, boardering on blasphemy! *grin*

    In today's modern world, words indeed have power, but only power of meaning, not the power of direct observable manifestation.
    Last edited by Adeptus; April 18, 2012, 03:45 PM.
    Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!


    • #3
      Re: The ancient belief in words having "magical" power

      I love the iTulip community.
      On those rare occasions when it's handy to have an alchemist/network engineer in the conversation, we can simply turn to our very own Adeptus.

      Sincere thanks.


      • #4
        Re: The ancient belief in words having "magical" power

        Yes, I am myself surprised by some of the areas of expertise people around here have. Great community indeed :-) You're welcome.
        Warning: Network Engineer talking economics!


        • #5
          Re: The ancient belief in words having "magical" power


          • #6
            Re: The ancient belief in words having "magical" power

            As it is within, so it is without. This is true on every level.
            It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.

