Food for thought...
What if ?....
Inconvenient Truth: Dollar is tied to Global CO2 Emission! Not domestic silver, nor domestic gold!
How is it that the dollar, having been disconnected from the international gold standard for export payments in the 1970's by President Nixon, mirrors the inflationary rise of the cost of our utilizing its diminishing value with the rise of ocean temperatures from that same decade, onwards?
What if President Nixon took us off the international gold standard for export payments followed by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger visiting Saudi Arabia in the early 1970's to secure the production of green house gases by arranging to have all OPEC oil sold in dollars in exchange for our placement there of our military bases after Israel's war with its neighbors the preceding year?
What if that war involving Israel and its Arab neighbors was also prearranged to occur in a manner that would frighten Saudi Arabia into submitting to our expanionist policies for their area? (Not hard to do since the Middle Eastern pot is always heated to near-boiling point!)
What if President Nixon went to China in that same decade to secure the production of green house gases emanating from out of China?
What if the health of our dollar is secured with foreign oil to give us access to expansion in foreign markets while we ignore domestic oil hidden from public disclosure sufficient to make us independent of foreign sources?
What if the rise of ocean temperatures in the 1970's is a direct result of untying our dollar from the international gold standard and retying it to crude oil and parallels the inflationary rise of spending dollars of ever diminishing value?
Inconvenient Truth: Dollar is tied to Global CO2 Emission! Not domestic silver, nor domestic gold!
How is it that the dollar, having been disconnected from the international gold standard for export payments in the 1970's by President Nixon, mirrors the inflationary rise of the cost of our utilizing its diminishing value with the rise of ocean temperatures from that same decade, onwards?
What if President Nixon took us off the international gold standard for export payments followed by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger visiting Saudi Arabia in the early 1970's to secure the production of green house gases by arranging to have all OPEC oil sold in dollars in exchange for our placement there of our military bases after Israel's war with its neighbors the preceding year?
What if that war involving Israel and its Arab neighbors was also prearranged to occur in a manner that would frighten Saudi Arabia into submitting to our expanionist policies for their area? (Not hard to do since the Middle Eastern pot is always heated to near-boiling point!)
What if President Nixon went to China in that same decade to secure the production of green house gases emanating from out of China?
What if the health of our dollar is secured with foreign oil to give us access to expansion in foreign markets while we ignore domestic oil hidden from public disclosure sufficient to make us independent of foreign sources?
What if the rise of ocean temperatures in the 1970's is a direct result of untying our dollar from the international gold standard and retying it to crude oil and parallels the inflationary rise of spending dollars of ever diminishing value?