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One World dialectics

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  • One World dialectics

    We're told we have the following choices (One World dialectics)...

    One World or Terror(ism)
    One World or None
    One World or War
    One World or Famine
    One World or Nature Dies
    One World or Humanity Ends
    One World or Chaos

    Sold under Communitarianism:

    Originally posted by wikipedia
    Communitarianism, as a group of related but distinct philosophies, began in the late 20th century, opposing in its opinion exalted forms of individualism while advocating phenomena such as civil society. Not necessarily hostile to social liberalism or even social democracy, communitarianism emphasizes the need to balance individual rights and interests with that of the community as a whole, and that individual people (or citizens) are shaped by the cultures and values of their communities.[1]


    There has been very little systematic criticism of ideological communitarianism, if only because its exact premises and policy consequences are difficult to pin down. Those wary of it tend to be individualist thinkers who argue that communities are already naturally most benefitted when everyone is free to act in their individual self-interest and that self-described communitarians are actually stealth collectivists; or, more plausibly, that the main effect of well-intentioned communitarian rhetoric is to provide cover for collectivists with a much farther-reaching and harsher agenda than most communitarians intend.

  • #2
    Who Wants A One World Government?

    Who Wants A One World Government? by Michael Barker

    Who Wants A One World Government? by Michael Barker

    (Swans - April 6, 2009) Throughout the past century, liberal elites organizing to build the institutional foundations for a one world government have regularly acted as whipping boys for conservative commentators who accuse them of conspiring to enmesh the global populace within the oppressive chains of communism. In the past, popular promoters of such misconceptions have been derived from far-right groups like the John Birch Society, but more recently the accusations have come from top religious and political leaders like Pat Robertson and Ron Paul. In the eyes of these conservative commentators, liberal elites stand guilty of promoting a one world government, or New World Order, designed to rein in individual freedom and enslave humanity. The most notable ringleader elites of this conspiracy include influential neo-centrics like George Soros (who founded the Open Society Institute), and members of the Rockefeller family -- most notably David Rockefeller and the liberal foundations that receive funding from his family.

    Like most widely accepted analyses presented in the mainstream media this conservative interpretation of world events comprises an element of truth. Consequently, this article analyses the conservative interpretation of world events. It reviews the ongoing activities of groups that openly acknowledge their desire to promote a one world government and goes on to critique the left's approach to global government. It will demonstrate how the critical onslaught from the Right has, to date, served to prevent the progressive community from engaging in this critical debate; that is, the debate to shape the future of global politics to enable us to create a new peaceful world order. Finally, it offers a progressive theoretical framework to expose the disturbing ambitions of the liberal elite.

    Long, but an excellent read.


    • #3
      The Anti Communitarian Manifesto

      The Anti Communitarian Manifesto
      The Anti Communitarian Manifesto

      Question: What do George Bush (USA), Tony Blair (UK), Gerhard Schroeder (Germany), Bill and Hilary Clinton (USA), Ariel Sharon (Israel), Mikhail Gorbachev (USSR), Jiang Zemin (China), The Pope (Vatican), Prince Charles (England), Queen Beatrix (The Hague), Amitai Etzioni (Israel/USA) and Kofi Annan (United Nations) have in common?

      Answer: Every one of them is a political communitarian, and communitarianism is the synthesis in the Hegelian dialectic. Nobody ever seems to have heard of these things, so we wrote What is the Hegelian Dialectic? and The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking. They were originally published seperately, but we combined them to form our definitive Anti Communitarian Manifesto.

      Part I: What is the Hegelian Dialectic? first published at the ACL January, 2003. Part II: The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking first published at the ACL December, 2003. Abstract published online on April 1, 2008 at Living Outside The Dialectic.

      For educational purposes, the manifesto is still available online for free:

      Part One : What is the Hegelian Dialectic?


      Part Two : The Historical Evolution of
      Communitarian Thinking

