Re: OLIGOPOLY: Fun Family Board Game for the post FIRE Economy Depression - Eric Janszen
I assume the following rule is the same for both games (this rule I discovered last year when I bought Monopoly to play with the kids):
"The bank never runs out of money" - (looks like the rules reflect reality in our central banking fiat credit=money world).
Also, creation and access to credit and the banktuptcy laws are a bit different now than in the 1930s I would supposes which should allow for re-entry into the game:
"When bankrupt:
for those born on 3rd base and home plate:
player must sit out game for 1 turn before getting access to another line of credit"
for those born on 2nd base:
player must sit out for 7 turns before getting access to another set of credit cards and must immediately take $25k cash advance against the new cards at prime +16.99%
for those born on 1st base:
player gets access to discarded card board boxes to build new hovel
I assume the following rule is the same for both games (this rule I discovered last year when I bought Monopoly to play with the kids):
"The bank never runs out of money" - (looks like the rules reflect reality in our central banking fiat credit=money world).
Also, creation and access to credit and the banktuptcy laws are a bit different now than in the 1930s I would supposes which should allow for re-entry into the game:
"When bankrupt:
for those born on 3rd base and home plate:
player must sit out game for 1 turn before getting access to another line of credit"
for those born on 2nd base:
player must sit out for 7 turns before getting access to another set of credit cards and must immediately take $25k cash advance against the new cards at prime +16.99%
for those born on 1st base:
player gets access to discarded card board boxes to build new hovel