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Our Next President?

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  • dcarrigg
    Re: Our Next President?

    Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
    You got it, boss.
    Sooner, rather than later, through action or through inaction, thy will be done.
    Last edited by dcarrigg; February 26, 2019, 09:33 PM.

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  • Woodsman
    Re: Our Next President?

    Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
    Anyways, you've got to give me a bit of leeway on this one...
    You got it, boss.

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  • dcarrigg
    Re: Our Next President?

    Anyways, you've got to give me a bit of leeway on this one. To a New Englander, it's all just a rerun. We watched the last time Manafort and Stone were slithering around here, putting Eddie "the envelope" DiPrete on the throne of Vo Dilun. Not a whole lot different than his dad in New Britain. But at least Patriarca had enough sense to hand out a few hams come Christmas. Anyways, it ain't like the Kennedies didn't have their own past that proves Balzac's adage. But that's where I always feel the kids today get misunderstood. It's not all about material things. The dream got crushed on them. Now you need to be born into wealth to do anything. Not so long ago a Boy Scout from corn poke Ohio could, with a lot of talent and luck, become the first man to walk on the moon. Now if you wanna go, you need to be a billionaire and pay Musk for the ride. Not so long ago, a kid from Yorba Linda sat in the Oval Office. Now just to be a Senior Advisor or a cabinet member you gotta marry In to the royal family or have a daddy who started the Amway pyramid scheme. They haven't built a new middle class ranch in your town in 25 years. Can't bring your kids to a damn Patriots game without blowing 5% of your household's net annual income anymore. But old Bobby still ain't decent enough to use that ticket money to order a working girl who's not a slave. You can keep thinking it's all about the money, and jealousy, and sour grapes if you want. But so long as you do, you're missing the point.
    Last edited by dcarrigg; February 26, 2019, 05:18 PM.

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  • dcarrigg
    Re: Our Next President?

    You, EJ, Louis Hartz, whatever. The idea that forcing 10s of millions of Americans to eke by without health coverage and millions more to go bankrupt or choose between x Ray's and dinner is the only American thing to do and any attempt at solving the problem is Stalinisim is just plain hogwash. Was the USA socialist before daddy Reagan was governor of California, back when public tuition was free? I'm just imagining Kingfish labeled as a "socialist," rational sense be damned. So as long as we're cranking the rhetoric up to 11, and facts don't matter, I say, screw it, why not play the game? As for consent, I think you got a funny definition of it. Don't think too many little girls grow up dreaming of sleeping chained to a massage table in a suburban Florida strip mall. And it ain't like billions aren't enough of an aphrodisiac to get even the ugliest old bachelor some legal tail with minimal effort. But here we are. 2019. All morality is relative. Judging billionaires for buying sex with trafficked girls for $60 is somehow now striking out beyond The Pale. If no crime the rich commit is worth judging, and no amount of free money they get is socialism, but everything the rest of us do is worth judging and spending money on literally anything else is socialism, then bring on the gulags, because we already live in hell. Alternatively the rhetoric is overblown and stupid. You decide.

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  • Woodsman
    Re: Our Next President?

    Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
    Always plenty of free cash to print and give away to the rich, no strings attached, though. And the infanticide thing is a laugh. How many abortions you think that orange man fathered in his time? How about all the billionaires in the Chinese rub and tug down in Jupiter? Heard they wrapped the CFO of Citigroup up in that one too. Greedy pricks got billions of dollars and girlfriends a third their age, but they still want to dump their loads into some poor sex slave who lives in a strip mall for $60 an hour. Ah, the vaunted morally superior business elite. Good thing we gave Kraft and Co billions in public money...maybe if we all dig a little deeper to give him another tax cut he'll spring for a real escort next time...
    Boss, where in any of my thousands of posts do you see me rooting for these giveaways to fat cats? For the record, I don't and never will. Me, I'm waiting in vain for the Fortress America EJ keeps predicting. I look foward to the day when all these gimmiemores from Davos to Detroit have to pay their own freight. I understand that after a lifetime of seeing socialism for the rich, these young poors want a piece of that action. I empathize and sympathize, but won't play ball. EJ once said that socialism (paraphrasing here) isn't in the DNA of America and I think he's right. Obviously, we're way out of kilter and it seems like the ship of state and economy will have to keep listing until it capsizes before we get our collective heads out of our butts and restore America to something we can all agree on. But socialism, for the rich or the poors, isn't the way. It looks like you'll get your wish soo er than later and watch the money printing buy all sorts of goodies like free healthcare, college, reparations, and everything else on the wish list. Only we'll do that AND still keep a military budget 60x bigger than the next 12 countries combined, while keeping the sugar flowing to every other blood sucking elite banker and similar vampire, per the iron law of oligarchy. Which in the end only precipitates the fall even faster, thus my enthusiastic support for Bernie and Tulsi in 2020.

    As for the rub and tug, don't knock it until you try it. Me, I can still get it for free - God bless it, but I'm not about to judge Kraft or any of the poor shlubs who were collared with him. Dudes who don't get regular chakra releases get really weird and goodness there are too many incels out there already. Free the Jupiter Dozen and get your consenting freak on, free or for profit.

    And my, aren't we judgmental today?
    Last edited by Woodsman; February 26, 2019, 02:31 PM.

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  • Chris Coles
    Re: Our Next President?

    Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
    It was John Havens.
    Did not know the name of the man.... a very long story..

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  • dcarrigg
    Re: Our Next President?

    It was John Havens.

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  • Chris Coles
    Re: Our Next President?

    Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
    Always plenty of free cash to print and give away to the rich, no strings attached, though. And the infanticide thing is a laugh. How many abortions you think that orange man fathered in his time? How about all the billionaires in the Chinese rub and tug down in Jupiter? Heard they wrapped the CFO of Citigroup up in that one too. Greedy pricks got billions of dollars and girlfriends a third their age, but they still want to dump their loads into some poor sex slave who lives in a strip mall for $60 an hour. Ah, the vaulted morally superior business elite. Good thing we gave Kraft and Co billions in public money...maybe if we give him another tax cut he'll spring for a real escort next time...
    I was about to ask about "Heard they wrapped the CFO of Citigroup up in that one too. Greedy pricks got billions of dollars and girlfriends a third their age, but they still want to dump their loads into some poor sex slave who lives in a strip mall for $60 an hour. Ah, the vaulted morally superior business elite." when I realised that you were not describing Citybank, as a once very good friend of mine did, as far as I know, marry into .......... someone at ~ that level.
    (Removed the smiley as she was a very fine individual lady).

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  • dcarrigg
    Re: Our Next President?

    Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
    Get with the program, vt. Gun control, reparations, infanticide and tax increase to fund giveaways to the free sh!t army is the winningest platform ever.

    For the GOP, that is. What I want to know is who the DNC is going to blame when this dumbassery gifts the Bad Orange Man with a second term? Maybe Venezuela or Iran?
    Always plenty of free cash to print and give away to the rich, no strings attached, though. And the infanticide thing is a laugh. How many abortions you think that orange man fathered in his time? How about all the billionaires in the Chinese rub and tug down in Jupiter? Heard they wrapped the CFO of Citigroup up in that one too. Greedy pricks got billions of dollars and girlfriends a third their age, but they still want to dump their loads into some poor sex slave who lives in a strip mall for $60 an hour. Ah, the vaunted morally superior business elite. Good thing we gave Kraft and Co billions in public money...maybe if we all dig a little deeper to give him another tax cut he'll spring for a real escort next time...
    Last edited by dcarrigg; February 26, 2019, 01:15 PM.

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  • Woodsman
    Re: Our Next President?

    Originally posted by vt View Post
    Sounds like a plan! And a very bad one.
    Get with the program, vt. Gun control, reparations, infanticide and tax increase to fund giveaways to the free sh!t army is the winningest platform ever.

    For the GOP, that is. What I want to know is who the DNC is going to blame when this dumbassery gifts the Bad Orange Man with a second term? Maybe Venezuela or Iran?

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  • Thailandnotes
    Re: Our Next President?

    Hillary would get booed off the stage almost immediately. I think Warren is "weak" in part because of the poor campaign Hillary ran. I can't put my finger why Warren = blase, Sanders equaled excitement. I think Trump will lose. No matter who the democratic candidate is, the holed-your-nose vote will be huge which is in part why so many people are running. If there was going to be a 3rd party candidate, you would have needed a lot more fever before now.

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  • dcarrigg
    Re: Our Next President?

    She'll have a hell of a time if she hops in late and now. Especially if she thinks the party will just line up for her again. She'll be an instant front runner. But she's gonna be shunned in certain places. She'll have to pray the south falls into line for her again, because it's unlikely the big coastal cities will. And there is a lot more competition this time.

    Rules are very different for the Dems. No winner take all like the GOP. So 20-30% might put you ahead in any given state, but maybe with only a delegate or two more than number 2. So if you really soar or flop in one region or another, it can be crucial.

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  • vt
    Re: Our Next President?

    In the end it'll be Hillary and Bernie fighting to see who runs against Trump.

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  • dcarrigg
    Re: Our Next President?

    Originally posted by geodrome View Post
    So far Warren is running on:

    — Universal day care
    — Universal health care
    — Universal income (in Green New Deal)
    — Universal jobs program (in Green New Deal)
    — Write off student loan debt
    — Civilian Disarmament aka Gun Control
    — Reparation for slavery
    I'd wait at least until they get an official platform online before believing everything the media says they believe.

    Gun control could be anything from background checks to bans. Reparations could be anything from existing affirmative action programs to fulfilling Sherman's Order No. 15. Writing off student loan debt could be anything from dropping interest rates to those the fed charges banks plus to a full blown.debt jubilee. Green New Deal means something different to everyone of them. So does "universal healthcare." You can mean universal healthcare in the Hillary sense of exactly what we have now, or you can mean it in the Bernie sense if a single payer system. Even Medicare for All means dropping the eligibility age for some, letting Medicare compete with private insurers for others, and a full blown single payer plan for still others.

    I'll tell you one thing about Warren, though. Hate her all you want. But she's a get serious person, and all the "very serious people" know that. She's probably not gonna roll out a policy proposal that's too pie in the sky or impossible to implement. At least that hasn't been her mo since I've known her as a local senator. Is she liberal? Hell yeah. So was Ted Kennedy. That Massachusetts Senators for you. At the same time, I don't think she's coming for JimBob's Glock and taking 40 acres of his farm for reparations. The left goes on hyperbole rants that the right has taken to calling "Trump derangement syndrome." But it's no different than Obama derangement syndrome. Or pochahontas derangement syndrome. And it won't stick any better than Drumpf did among anyone but those who reside in the same echo chamber.

    She may not even get out of first gear anyways. Her numbers in NH have been looking surprisingly weak to me. But there's a year of internet and TV ads between now and then. Just don't think it bodes well if she's polling fourth behind Harris in her own back yard. Figured she'd start in the natural top 3. So we'll see.

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  • vt
    Re: Our Next President?

    Sounds like a plan! And a very bad one.

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