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Economic Crisis Avoidance Deus ex Machina - Part I: Active Asset Price Inflation - Eric Janszen

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  • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

    Originally posted by Fiat Currency View Post
    ZH commenters are more civil and respectful. I guess the username Lord_Arrogant_and_Condescending was already taken.
    Zero Hedge? ouch.

    Sorry, had to throw some bombs to shake out the goldbugs and baby boomers. I don't think there is much to learn here.


    • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

      Originally posted by Lord_Keynes View Post
      What you have done here is not an argument.

      The majority of Americans arguably have a lower quality of life than most Vietnamese. Their social connections are limited exclusively to the internet (hence, why you find this most egregious). But they are alone. Most do not know their neighbors' names. They do not have even casual connections to extended family, and the "nuclear family" - a propaganda exercise in and of itself has fractured beyond belief with rampant divorce and dysfunctional children engaged in all manner of depravity. The majority of Americans do not have jobs that pay in real terms any better than those in Vietnam, and in many cases pay far less when you factor in the necessity of an automobile virtually everywhere. Most Americans die alone, forgotten by all who knew them.

      And let us not forget how the American, capitalist owned media/propaganda apparatus operates. I personally have had my good name tarnished in the international press due to defamatory lies by a political adversary. Trust me, being censored directly is far preferable than having page after page of google results repeating the same defamation.

      You're not free.
      Wow, Lord Keynes. Do I need to point out that Keynes was a child rapist and Nazi sympathizer? Exactly how depraved did you think those Americans where exactly?

      I'm not a breitbart reader, but isn't Bannon an un-closeted Fascist? Why exactly are you quoting breitbart again?


      • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

        Originally posted by Lord_Keynes View Post
        . I don't think there is much to learn here.
        can't learn anything when you already know it all, obviously.

        and you can't learn anything when your response to new information is to say it's not true without conducting the most elementary research to verify or deny it.


        • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

          Originally posted by Lord_Keynes View Post
          Zero Hedge? ouch.

          Sorry, had to throw some bombs to shake out the goldbugs and baby boomers. I don't think there is much to learn here.
          Shame. This is one of the few online communities that would give you half a chance even given your perpetual condescending and insulting tone. Some of the sharpest minds I know lurk here (I am *not* claiming to be one of them). If you can't recognize that, we can't help you.


          • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

            Originally posted by jk View Post
            can't learn anything when you already know it all, obviously.

            and you can't learn anything when your response to new information is to say it's not true without conducting the most elementary research to verify or deny it.
            I don't actually know how things are going to unfold, but I do not consider gold to be part of any serious monetary policy. Yes, there is some Gold Council or whatever that publishes some data, but I can find nothing from a governmental body that confirms such holdings.

            But, the burden of proof is not on me.

            1) The gold standard failed multiple times. There is no reason to believe a gold standard will work in the future. If you believe it will work in the future, you provide a reason.
            2) Major countries waged significant wars against gold imposing powers (Roman against Carthage during the Punic Wars, the United States against Great Britain during the American Revolution, Germany and Japan against Great Britain during World War II). Gold clearly is not necessary for societal organization sufficient to wage major wars against significant global powers.
            3) I think structuring a society around a metal that is the color of urine is distasteful. I wear all silver jewelry, even pieces that contain precious gems. The entire history of gold is simply vile. I cannot even stand it on my body.


            • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

              Originally posted by globaleconomicollaps View Post
              Wow, Lord Keynes. Do I need to point out that Keynes was a child rapist and Nazi sympathizer? Exactly how depraved did you think those Americans where exactly?

              I'm not a breitbart reader, but isn't Bannon an un-closeted Fascist? Why exactly are you quoting breitbart again?
              My thesis is that the transition to what globalism was originally intended to be will be sold to the public as "nationalism", when in reality it will be nations ceding their monetary sovereignty to a supranational body. This has been at play for some time.


              I have a personal vendetta against Breitbart and Bannon. Bannon is indeed a despicable human being, irrespective of his political beliefs, which are not very easy to pin down.

              I find your ad hominem of John Maynard Keynes to be distasteful. A century from now, everyone who ever contributed to this site will be dead and forgotten. History will never forget the name John Maynard Keynes.

              He was a man interested in peace, and if you at all studied the founding of the United Nations and his many impassioned pleases, his entire desire with the Bancor system was to prevent another world war. Instead, the world war never ended and the US has killed untold millions maintaining a USD empire.


              • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
                Shame. This is one of the few online communities that would give you half a chance even given your perpetual condescending and insulting tone. Some of the sharpest minds I know lurk here (I am *not* claiming to be one of them). If you can't recognize that, we can't help you.
                The problem with baby boomers is their entire lives were spent in an artificially easy world propped up by the American Empire. As it comes to an end, they cannot fathom a different world. They are too old and too incapable of looking at the world in a new way. You won't find any millennials who believe in a gold standard. I am of Generation X.


                • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                  Originally posted by Lord_Keynes View Post
                  The problem with baby boomers is their entire lives were spent in an artificially easy world propped up by the American Empire. As it comes to an end, they cannot fathom a different world. They are too old and too incapable of looking at the world in a new way. You won't find any millennials who believe in a gold standard. I am of Generation X.
                  To me, this seems a strange thing to say from most Marxist perspectives. Not so much the gold standard part. But the artificially easy part. Perhaps for a random straight WASP guy not born into poverty. Increasingly harder to argue for all sorts of other Americans born between the end of WWII and the Civil Rights Act. Obergefell v. Hodges was only 3 years ago.


                  • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                    Originally posted by Lord_Keynes View Post
                    The problem with baby boomers is their entire lives were spent in an artificially easy world propped up by the American Empire. As it comes to an end, they cannot fathom a different world. They are too old and too incapable of looking at the world in a new way. You won't find any millennials who believe in a gold standard. I am of Generation X.
                    So am I and so are many others on this forum. Again, you assume. And this forum is full of people who looked at the world in a *very* different way than the norm. How'd *you* do in predicting the 2008-2009 crash?

                    So far as a gold standard goes, many of us hold gold (I do myself, despite being Generation X) because it's a form of insurance (do you have insurance on your car? House?). You may well be right that *in the end* something like a Bancor or SDR or blockchain technology becomes the new standard -- but there is likely to be a period of chaos before then. Gold is likely to be very useful for that period of time. Or maybe it will become the standard again -- the wheel turns and what was old becomes new again; China and Russia aren't building gold reserves for nothing.


                    • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                      i give up. i tried to engage you, lk, with information. you weren't interested. you persist in talking about gold standards that no one is advocating. you think you know what others are saying based on your preconceptions, but you are too full of yourself for any input.

                      i thought you might mature and become a contributing member of this community but i see it is not to be. this will be the last post i address to you.

                      whether it is your intent or not, you are a troll. and i understand the wisdom of the standard advice: "don't feed the troll."
                      Last edited by jk; January 08, 2019, 08:40 PM.


                      • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                        Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
                        To me, this seems a strange thing to say from most Marxist perspectives. Not so much the gold standard part. But the artificially easy part. Perhaps for a random straight WASP guy not born into poverty. Increasingly harder to argue for all sorts of other Americans born between the end of WWII and the Civil Rights Act. Obergefell v. Hodges was only 3 years ago.
                        Umm, yeah, I don't really care about guys sodomizing each other. And while Marx did advocate some radical social changes, I don't think buggery had much to do with Das Kapital. Right wingers will criticize this as "Cultural Marxism", but I never really bought that particular slur.

                        All that said, I have nothing against buggery. I think that it's rise was propagandized post-GFC as distraction. Now we have trannies.

                        Marx would correctly argue that these social movements are fundamentally about breaking class consciousness. The revolutionary spirit is not directed towards the capitalist class, but racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. As distasteful as their personal prejudices may be, the powerless tend to be bigoted one way or another. This ultimately is the crux of how and why libertarianism was created as a propaganda tool. It simply worked in the reverse.

                        At the end of the day, if you have nothing to trade but your labor for your daily bread, you have bigger things to worry about that the government sanctifying buggery.


                        • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                          Originally posted by jk View Post
                          i give up. i tried to engage you, lk, with information. you weren't interested. you persist in talking about gold standards that no one is advocating. you think you know what others are saying based on your preconceptions, but you are too full of yourself for any input.

                          i thought you might mature and become a contributing member of this community but i see it is not to be. this will be the last post i address to you.

                          whether it is your intent or not, you are a troll. and i understand the wisdom of the standard advice: "don't feed the troll."
                          Pleasure to meet you all. Ciao!


                          • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                            OK. Leave those millions of folks aside for a moment. There's still Jim Crow, women's lib, the Americans with Disabilities Act, redlining, blockbusting, & other housing discrimination practices, etc. I'm quite sympathetic to the notion that labor has gotten a very raw deal since the 70s. I've even gone on longwinded screeds about people worshiping an anthropomorphized conception of The Market. But Marx for his time certainly called some things right. He sided both on with Irish independence and with emancipation in the US and several other causes on which history did bear him out to be correct. And on the case at hand, Sherry Wolf's Sexuality and Socialism might be of interest. Or maybe not, judging by your use of the the terms 'buggery' etc. that you pulled straight from the dustbin of history.


                            • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                              Originally posted by Lord_Keynes View Post
                              The problem with baby boomers is their entire lives were spent in an artificially easy world propped up by the American Empire. As it comes to an end, they cannot fathom a different world. They are too old and too incapable of looking at the world in a new way. You won't find any millennials who believe in a gold standard. I am of Generation X.

                              I'm Gen X. I didn't believe in the gold standard 20 years ago. Wish I had. When you're in your 20s, you want maximum leverage and thrill, which isn't possible with gold. In the late 1990s and 2000s, it was dot con and startups. Today, it's bitcon.


                              • Re: EJ’s Secret Message

                                Originally posted by Lord_Keynes View Post
                                My thesis is that the transition to what globalism was originally intended to be will be sold to the public as "nationalism"....
                                This is not a thesis and please, don't try to down grade your caterwauling to an hypotheses. On 2nd thought it's not even conjecture or an assumption. Maybe it's a hunch but let's not demean hunches. To be kind, let's call your wall scratching, a guess. I've a deck of cards which offer more intuition than anything you've posted.

                                Your recent diatribes reminded me of this scene from an Adam Sandler movie.


