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The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

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  • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

    Originally posted by Munger View Post
    Studies have confirmed that the Ashkenazi have significantly higher IQ than most other populations. While one standard deviation doesn't make a remarkable difference at the thick end of the normal curve, it will have huge effects at the upper spectrum. This is sufficient to explain why there are so many Ashkenazi physicists, economists, chess grandmasters, financiers, mathematicians, etc etc etc -- all fields with high cognitive demands. Vitiates any basis for bizarre and unlikely conspiracy theories.
    From the same wikipedia entry:

    Lynn in his 2006 book Race Differences in Intelligence writes that Israel has an average IQ of only about 95. Lynn explains this by breaking down the Israeli population into three components: 40 percent Ashkenazi Jews with an average IQ of 103; 40 percent Sephardi Jews (Oriental Jewish) with an average IQ of 91; and 20 percent Arab with an average IQ of 86. Lynn suggests these differences could have arisen from selective migration (more intelligent Jews emigrated to Britain and the USA), intermarriage with neighboring populations with different average IQs, selective survival through persecution (European Jews were the most persecuted), and the presence of ethnic non-Jews among the Ashkenazim in Israel as a result of the immigration of people from the former Soviet Bloc countries who posed as Jews.
    David and Lynn in a 2007 literature review examined the average IQ of European (largely Ashkenazi) and Sephardic Jews in Israel and found a 14 point lower average score for the Sephardic Jews. The authors argue that this can be explained by the hypothesis of Cochran et al. since Sephardic Jews were allowed to work in a much wider range of occupations and therefore did not come under the evolutionary pressure described in the Cochran et al. study.[12]
    A 2010 study by Bray et al. genotyped 471 unrelated Azkhenazi individuals and write that most of the diseases are not under strong positive selection, but rather rose to their current frequency through genetic drift after a population bottleneck. They also write that the Azkhenazi population are less isolated than previously thought with between 35 and 55 percent of the modern Ashkenazi genome coming from European descent.[13]

    And from post 140:

    One might simply suppose that this is due to higher Jewish IQ. However, on the basis of Richard Lynn’s estimates of Ashkenazi Jewish IQ and correcting for the greater numbers of European Whites, the ratio of non-Jewish Whites to Jews should be around 7 to 1 (IQ >130) or 4.5 to 1 (IQ > 145). Instead, the ratio of non-Jewish Whites to Jews is around 1 to 1 or less. (See here.)


    • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

      Originally posted by bart View Post
      Hopefully Fred or admin will come up with something to help avoid this type of "special" topic and thread hijack - and odor too.

      Perhaps start a "Jooz" or MENA thread/section and move initial posts there...
      It seems my previous posts were taken in the wrong way; I was not, from my own starting point, aiming to include anything that was considered racist and if anything that I have posted here has been taken in that way, it was entirely not intended and I apologize for any offense that may have been given.

      This thread is on the subject of the potential for a war to stem from the collapse of the economies of the West; surely it is a valid topic to look at the dominant group that have led to the collapse? Their underlying thinking and where that line of thought stems from?


      • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

        Originally posted by bart View Post
        Hopefully Fred or admin will come up with something to help avoid this type of "special" topic and thread hijack - and odor too.

        Perhaps start a "Jooz" or MENA thread/section and move initial posts there...
        That would be great. Hopefully it happens soon.


        • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

          Originally posted by jiimbergin View Post
          That would be great. Hopefully it happens soon.

          The incessant "proselytizing" and comments about "the dominant group" (insert eyerolls to taste) and continual thread hijack is unwelcome.

          Maybe he'll get a clue and start a new thread himself.


          • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

            Sorry if this is a stupid ah ha moment.

            But are the war drums against Iran then really a ruse for war drums beating for the Chinese?

            The scary thing is, Iran is building a nuke. They are showing their prowess in missiles by having test fires. I assume once they have nuke they will light one off in the desert for a demo too. It dosen't have to be good one, a crappy 20Kt gun type bomb that just makes heat and noise will suffice.

            What will be the West's response?
            If they bomb Iran what will be China's response?

            How much oil do the Chinese get from Iran?

            One would think that if we had plans to bomb Iran we would not be siphoning off oil for the SPR.
            Although the people running the place are not very good at looking more than one step ahead.


            • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

              Originally posted by charliebrown View Post
              Sorry if this is a stupid ah ha moment.

              What will be the West's response?
              If they bomb Iran what will be China's response?

              How much oil do the Chinese get from Iran?
              Pretty confusing, uh? Oil will be a casualty in this war but the target is Israel. You will see an alliance of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other Central Asian and Far East Asian leaders. They just met for tea at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit held in the Kazakhstan capital of Astana. The SCO, formed in 2001, is widely seen a rival to NATO. There, Ahmadinejad delivered a blistering speech against the “slavers and colonizers” of the West, called for a new world order, including the building of an anti-Western military and political alliance.

              An Associated Press report quotes Ahmadinejad as calling on Russia, China and Central Asian countries “to form a united front against the West.”

              So as this plays out, I am certain Israel will be the major front. Because Ahmadinejad thinks big, my guess is a multi-staged attack not only in Israel but also chemical, bio warfare used in major financial metro areas in US and Europe.
              Like all the other record disasters in weather, earthquakes, etc, this will be unlike any war our nation or Israel has experienced.


              • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                Do you know of the emphasis on the first 3 Sefiros? Pretty much explains it, no genes involved. They are: chochmah (wisdom), binah (understanding) and da'as (knowledge).

                Originally posted by Munger View Post
                Studies have confirmed that the Ashkenazi have significantly higher IQ than most other populations. While one standard deviation doesn't make a remarkable difference at the thick end of the normal curve, it will have huge effects at the upper spectrum. This is sufficient to explain why there are so many Ashkenazi physicists, economists, chess grandmasters, financiers, mathematicians, etc etc etc -- all fields with high cognitive demands. Vitiates any basis for bizarre and unlikely conspiracy theories.


                • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                  Originally posted by charliebrown View Post
                  What will be the West's response?
                  If they bomb Iran what will be China's response?

                  How much oil do the Chinese get from Iran?

                  My take is that China is not capable nor willing to make a military response, but can surely make a tactical economic response, e.g. order banks and corps not to do lend or do business with the culprit country, etc.

                  At the end of the day, $$$ talks. I'm sure there is plenty of behind the scene negotiating and "arm twisting" that we do not know.

                  If Iran creates the nuclear bomb and the other Arab countries also want a bomb for themselves, what will happen? At the present moment, Saudi Arabia and Iran are run being by rational thinking governments, so even if they got the bomb, no one is going to use it. But what happens in the future, say 20 years down the road, if someone like Gaddafi or Saddam Husein seizes control? Mad people that would even sacrifice their own family members to maintain control.

                  So ultimately who will pay for the price of the "Age of the Greed" that Krugman talked about?
                  Last edited by touchring; July 08, 2011, 12:19 AM.


                  • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                    Originally posted by touchring View Post
                    If Iran creates the nuclear bomb and the other Arab countries also want a bomb for themselves, what will happen? At the present moment, Saudi Arabia and Iran are run being by rational thinking governments, so even if they got the bomb, no one is going to use it. But what happens in the future, say 20 years down the road, if someone like Gaddafi or Saddam Husein seizes control? Mad people that would even sacrifice their own family members to maintain control.?
                    I was struck by the recent report on BBC Newsnight that stated Pakistan had 160 Nukes and is building 16 every year. Not a wonder that many are becoming nervous about the instability of such nations.


                    • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                      I am very weak on my world history, but I think the U.S.S.R and China have their own "slavers and colonizer" past, and
                      not so distant past. I guess all politcos are the same aren't they?


                      • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                        Originally posted by touchring View Post
                        Speaking of new buildings, no country or city can beat Singapore, where buildings just 10 years old are being demolished and replaced with new ones.
                        Um, that's been happening for years in Hong Kong.


                        • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                          Originally posted by charliebrown View Post
                          I am very weak on my world history, but I think the U.S.S.R and China have their own "slavers and colonizer" past, and
                          not so distant past. I guess all politcos are the same aren't they?

                          Much of the atrocities committed by the original "Han race" had probably been lost in history or even undocumented, but just to indicate the amount of colonization through the ages, the origin Han kingdom was only so big, barely the size of Taiwan today.

                          ca. 2070 BC–ca. 1600 BC



                          • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                            Originally posted by Verrocchio View Post
                            Um, that's been happening for years in Hong Kong.
                            I still find plenty of old buildings in Hong Kong. It is for this reason why some will find the US looking like third world when they come to Singapore, because anything older than 10-15 years old is being torn down and rebuilt. Entire roads are being re-tarred all the time to make them look brand new.

                            Originally posted by Chris Coles View Post
                            I was struck by the recent report on BBC Newsnight that stated Pakistan had 160 Nukes and is building 16 every year. Not a wonder that many are becoming nervous about the instability of such nations.
                            You're starting to connect the dots, welcome to the New World Order, but UK is very far from the Middle East, and the technology required to make nukes the size of soft drink cans and smuggle through the ports and airports will not exist for at least 60 years. This will be a problem for the Middle East.
                            Last edited by touchring; July 08, 2011, 01:11 PM.


                            • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                              Originally posted by Chris Coles
                              I was struck by the recent report on BBC Newsnight that stated Pakistan had 160 Nukes and is building 16 every year. Not a wonder that many are becoming nervous about the instability of such nations.
                              What exactly is the offensive benefit of nukes?

                              You can't take over a country using nukes - you can only destroy it.

                              Nukes, however, make invading a nation completely impractical.

                              As Israel has nukes - I am continually amazed by the ongoing meme that Iran would destroy Israel if Iran had nukes.

                              As nutty as Ahmadinejad or whoever may be, it has yet to be demonstrated that they are suicidal.


                              • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                                Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                                As nutty as Ahmadinejad or whoever may be, it has yet to be demonstrated that they are suicidal.
                                But you miss the point, they ARE good at getting others, particularly the young and impressionable, to do just that! Pakistan even more so.

