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The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

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  • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

    Originally posted by Serge_Tomiko View Post
    Why are there so few new buildings?

    Speaking of new buildings, no country or city can beat Singapore, where buildings just 10 years old are being demolished and replaced with new ones.


    • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

      Originally posted by metalman View Post
      people shut out the facts we don't want to hear... not special to americans. show me the intent by gov't to hide these facts. there is none here...
      I don't think you need to try very hard to see how specific areas have the data hidden or ignored.

      The difference is simply a more sophisticated understanding of "information management".

      For example: the US reconnaissance plane that collided with a mainland Chinese fighter some years back. Try and find the data for exactly where said recon plane was at the time of collision.

      It isn't that the data doesn't exist or is a national security issue.

      It is that it is simply left out..."forgotten"

      For that matter, what about Gary Webb's work?


      • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

        Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
        I'm just wondering how both sides could blunder into conflict.
        History is full of examples. Typically, one side misjudges the importance to the other about something, or they assume a rational response (and the time to form one) and get an emotional one instead. Cultural differences can play a huge role. I don't think most Americans understand how far apart Chinese and American cultures and values really are from one another.

        Regional conflict escalation is an easy case. China depends heavily on Iran for oil. What if something bad happens there? Will China choose a side? I bet they will.


        • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

          Originally posted by Sharky View Post
          History is full of examples. Typically, one side misjudges the importance to the other about something, or they assume a rational response (and the time to form one) and get an emotional one instead. Cultural differences can play a huge role. I don't think most Americans understand how far apart Chinese and American cultures and values really are from one another.

          Regional conflict escalation is an easy case. China depends heavily on Iran for oil. What if something bad happens there? Will China choose a side? I bet they will.

          In my opinion Chinese culture is a subset of American culture - just remove the religion and values, and you'll get Chinese culture.


          • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

            Originally posted by metalman View Post
            i recall a flotilla of refugees arriving at itulip from a certain right wing site... back in 2006... by my reckoning... daily

            iTulip is and was a refuge... and civil, I reckon.


            • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

              Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
              Your proof please?

              Of the fifty-one(51) senior executives of the major Wall Street banks, trade exchanges, and regulatory agencies, thirty-seven(37) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 72%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major Wall Street banks, trade exchanges, and regulatory agencies by a factor of 36 times(3,600 percent).
              * Jewish Population of the United States by State:



              • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                Originally posted by ash777 View Post

                Of the fifty-one(51) senior executives of the major Wall Street banks, trade exchanges, and regulatory agencies, thirty-seven(37) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 72%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major Wall Street banks, trade exchanges, and regulatory agencies by a factor of 36 times(3,600 percent).
                * Jewish Population of the United States by State:

                Speaking as someone who is Jewish on one side of the family, I've always attributed the disproportionate numbers of Jews represented in finance throughout the ages as being a result of Jewish culture and Jewish families placing a higher value on higher education than many other minorities do. And once "in", it's easier for up and coming Jews just entering the workforce to network with family friends already on the inside. You can see this with all sorts of minorities in various fields that they tend to dominate.

                You can also see this kind of disproportionate representation among Sikhs in India.. Sikhs are a small minority but are "disproportionally" represented in business because they value education and hard work, perhaps moreso than many people who believe they will have to wait to be born into a better incarnation in order to prosper. This is probably changing now with the growing middle-class in India, but for many years it was true.

                Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                  Jewish families placing a higher value on higher education
                  I find this kind of explaination very convincing. Jews are also "way out of proportion" in physics departments, the Manhattan project,
                  and during the 1960's, doctors offices. Somebody should tally the nobel prizes. I am betting more than 30% are going to people at least partly jewish.


                  • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                    Just googled it (and no, I'm not Jewish):

                    The Nobel Prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation of Sweden to men and women who have rendered the greatest service to humankind. Between 1901 and 2008, more than 750 Nobel Prizes were handed out. Of these, at least 163 are Jews.



                    • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                      Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                      Speaking as someone who is Jewish on one side of the family, I've always attributed the disproportionate numbers of Jews represented in finance throughout the ages as being a result of Jewish culture and Jewish families placing a higher value on higher education than many other minorities do. And once "in", it's easier for up and coming Jews just entering the workforce to network with family friends already on the inside. You can see this with all sorts of minorities in various fields that they tend to dominate.

                      You can also see this kind of disproportionate representation among Sikhs in India.. Sikhs are a small minority but are "disproportionally" represented in business because they value education and hard work, perhaps moreso than many people who believe they will have to wait to be born into a better incarnation in order to prosper. This is probably changing now with the growing middle-class in India, but for many years it was true.
                      It's called 'nepotism'.

                      ---Culture of Critique, Preface to the First Paperback Edition
                      Prof. Kevin MacDonald, California State University Long Beach
                      Although there is much evidence that Europeans presented a spirited defense
                      of their cultural and ethnic hegemony in the early- to mid-20th century, their rapid
                      decline raises the question: What cultural or ethnic characteristics of Europeans
                      made them susceptible to the intellectual and political movements described in
                      CofC? The discussion in CofC focused mainly on a proposed nexus of
                      individualism, relative lack of ethnocentrism, and concomitant moral
                      universalism—all features that are entirely foreign to Judaism. In several places
                      in all three of my books on Judaism I develop the view that Europeans are
                      relatively less ethnocentric than other peoples and relatively more prone to
                      individualism as opposed to the ethnocentric collectivist social structures
                      historically far more characteristic of other human groups, including—relevant to
                      this discussion—Jewish groups. I update and extend these ideas here.

                      The basic idea is that European groups are highly vulnerable to invasion by
                      strongly collectivist, ethnocentric groups because individualists have less
                      powerful defenses against such groups. The competitive advantage of cohesive,
                      cooperating groups is obvious and is a theme that recurs throughout my trilogy
                      on Judaism. This scenario implies that European peoples are more prone to
                      individualism. Individualist cultures show little emotional attachment to
                      ingroups. Personal goals are paramount, and socialization emphasizes the
                      importance of self-reliance, independence, individual responsibility, and “finding
                      yourself” (Triandis 1991, 82). Individualists have more positive attitudes toward
                      strangers and outgroup members and are more likely to behave in a pro-social,
                      altruistic manner to strangers. People in individualist cultures are less aware of
                      ingroup/outgroup boundaries and thus do not have highly negative attitudes
                      toward outgroup members. They often disagree with ingroup policy, show little
                      emotional commitment or loyalty to ingroups, and do not have a sense of
                      common fate with other ingroup members. Opposition to outgroups occurs in
                      individualist societies, but the opposition is more “rational” in the sense that
                      there is less of a tendency to suppose that all of the outgroup members are
                      culpable. Individualists form mild attachments to many groups, while
                      collectivists have an intense attachment and identification to a few ingroups
                      (Triandis 1990, 61). Individualists are therefore relatively ill-prepared for
                      between-group competition so characteristic of the history of Judaism.

                      Historically Judaism has been far more ethnocentric and collectivist than
                      typical Western societies. I make this argument in Separation and Its Discontents
                      (MacDonald 1998a; Ch. 1) and especially in A People That Shall Dwell Alone
                      (MacDonald 1994; Ch. 8), where I suggest that over the course of their recent
                      evolution, Europeans were less subjected to between-group natural selection than
                      Jews and other Middle Eastern populations. This was originally proposed by
                      Fritz Lenz (1931, 657) who suggested that, because of the harsh environment of
                      the Ice Age, the Nordic peoples evolved in small groups and have a tendency
                      toward social isolation rather than cohesive groups. This perspective would not
                      imply that Northern Europeans lack collectivist mechanisms for group
                      competition, but only that these mechanisms are relatively less elaborated and/or
                      require a higher level of group conflict to trigger their expression.

                      This perspective is consistent with ecological theory. Under ecologically
                      adverse circumstances, adaptations are directed more at coping with the adverse
                      physical environment than at competing with other groups (Southwood 1977,
                      1981), and in such an environment, there would be less pressure for selection for
                      extended kinship networks and highly collectivist groups. Evolutionary
                      conceptualizations of ethnocentrism emphasize the utility of ethnocentrism in
                      group competition. Ethnocentrism would thus be of no importance at all in
                      combating the physical environment, and such an environment would not support
                      large groups.

                      European groups are part of what Burton et al. (1996) term the North Eurasian
                      and Circumpolar culture area.9 This culture area derives from hunter-gatherers
                      adapted to cold, ecologically adverse climates. In such climates there is pressure
                      for male provisioning of the family and a tendency toward monogamy because
                      the ecology did not support either polygyny or large groups for an evolutionarily
                      significant period. These cultures are characterized by bilateral kinship
                      relationships which recognize both the male and female lines, suggesting a more
                      equal contribution for each sex as would be expected under conditions of
                      monogamy. There is also less emphasis on extended kinship relationships and
                      marriage tends to be exogamous (i.e., outside the kinship group). As discussed
                      below, all of these characteristics are opposite those found among Jews.


                      "Jews are at the extreme of this Middle Eastern tendency toward hypercollectivism
                      and hyper-ethnocentrism—a phenomenon that goes a long way
                      toward explaining the chronic hostilities in the area. I give many examples of
                      Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism in my trilogy and have suggested in several places
                      that Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism is biologically based (MacDonald 1994, Ch. 8;
                      1998a, Ch. 1). It was noted above that individualist European cultures tend to be
                      more open to strangers than collectivist cultures such as Judaism. In this regard,
                      it is interesting that developmental psychologists have found unusually intense
                      fear reactions among Israeli infants in response to strangers, while the opposite
                      pattern is found for infants from North Germany.14 The Israeli infants were much
                      more likely to become “inconsolably upset” in reaction to strangers, whereas the
                      North German infants had relatively minor reactions to strangers. The Israeli
                      babies therefore tended to have an unusual degree of stranger anxiety, while the
                      North German babies were the opposite—findings that fit with the hypothesis
                      that Europeans and Jews are on opposite ends of scales of xenophobia and



                      • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                        Personally I believe Jews were involved in money because within the other monotheistic religions money lending at interest was sinful. It wasn't until the late 1400s that it was decriminalised so to speak. Hence Jews were an integral part of finance and banking. Raising capital was dependant upon this. Additionally within the Torah it is ok to lend money at interest to Gentiles but not other Jews.
                        Equally important is that the Jews were forever being persecuted and expelled from all parts of Europe and often denied equal rights. Therefore it was natuarl for them to be merchants as other forms of trade/permanent settlement were denied to them. They couldn't join guilds for example.

                        As a result of the above, Jews through circumastances outside their control did not have many options. However the options open to them lent themselves to becoming wealthy,entrepreneurial, numerate, multi-lingual and ready to run for the hills pretty sharp. If you were a Jew without those qualities you wouldn't last long.

                        Some deep grained/in bred idea of Nepotism has little to do with any of the above it's just a result of environment.

                        Below is taken from Wikipedia on Lombard Banking which was forerunner of central banking.

                        History of Lombard Banking

                        Main articles: History of pawnbroking and Pawnbroker

                        A Christian prohibition on profit from money 'without working' made banking sinful. Though Pope Leo the Great forbade charging interest on loans by canon law, it was not forbidden to take collateral on loans. Pawn shops thus operate on the basis of a contract that fixes in advance the 'fine' for not respecting the nominal term of the 'interest free' loan, or alternatively, may structure a sale-repurchase by the 'borrower' where the interest is implicit in the repurchase price. Similar conventions exist in modern Islamic banking. As no economy or money-based society can prosper without any credit, various ways around the prohibition were devised, so that the lowly pawnshop contractors could bundle their risk and investment for larger undertakings. Christianity and Judaism generally ban usury, but allow usury towards heretics. Thus Christians could lend to Jews and vice versa. The only real necessity for a young man who desired a future in the financial world of the Middle Ages was the ability to read and write; the methods used for bookkeeping were carefully kept within families and slowly spread along trade routes. Therefore, this knowledge was available most readily to Jesuits and Jews, who consequently played a major role in European finance. Generally the Jesuits took the role of go-between with heads of state, while the Jews manned the low-end pawnshops. This explains the disproportionately large share of Jews in the goldsmith trade and early diamond market (diamonds being a lightweight alternative to gold).

                        It comes as no surprise that the pawn shops of Rome were the most prosperous of all, especially in the 15th century under Popes Pius IV and Sixtus V. This Italian 'Lombard' pawn shop method became famous. The use of the term 'Lombard' for pawn shop grew slowly from city to city, and became prevalent in Cahors, southern France, from where the Christian Cahorsins moved as far North as London[1] and Amsterdam in the 13th century; at the latter, they were called Cahorsijnen, Cawarsini or Coarsini.[2]
                        15th and 16th centuries

                        In 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain signed a decree expelling all Jews who refused to be converted to Christianity. A considerable number moved into Portugal. Many members of the migrant Jewish community in Portugal proceeded to become wealthy in commercially successful Portuguese port cities. Being forced on the move, Jewish families remained mobile and quickly developed international family agencies for growing brokerage houses involved with shipping. Such family networks of mobile Jewish "lombards" migrated from port city to city with the Spanish Inquisition and created international networks. In France the Lombards became synonymous with the Cahorsins. Most European cities still have a street named Lombard Street after the pawn shop that once housed there. In Dutch, the name for a pawn shop is still lommerd, and the same etymology persists in the names of various banks (unless named after some family). In Polish and Russian, a pawn shop is called simply lombard.
                        Last edited by llanlad2; July 06, 2011, 03:47 PM. Reason: found relevant clip from wikipedia


                        • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                          Originally posted by Polish_Silver View Post
                          I find this kind of explaination very convincing. Jews are also "way out of proportion" in physics departments, the Manhattan project,
                          and during the 1960's, doctors offices. Somebody should tally the nobel prizes. I am betting more than 30% are going to people at least partly jewish.
                          Nobel Prize is a joke - even Obama got one.

                          Albert Einstein: Plagiarist and Fraud

                          by Ian Mosley

                          Albert Einstein is today revered as “the Father of Modern Science”. His wrinkled face and wild hair has become a symbol for scientific genius and “his” famous E = mc^2 equation is repeatedly used as the symbol for something scientific and intellectual. And yet there has for years been mounting evidence that this “Father of Modern Science” was nothing but a con man, lying about his ideas and achievements, and stealing the work and the research of others.
                          The most glaring evidence against Einstein concerns “his” most famous equation. One website notes “The equation E=mc^2, which has been forever linked to Einstein & his Theory of Relativity was not originally published by Einstein. According to Umberto Bartocci, a professor at the University of Perugia and a historian of mathematics, this famous equation was first published by Olinto De Pretto …two years prior to Einstein’s publishing of the equation. In 1903 De Pretto published his equation in the scientific magazine Atte and in 1904 it was republished by the Royal Science Institute of Veneto. Einstein’s research was not published until 1905… Einstein was well versed in Italian and even lived in Northern Italy for a brief time.”
                          It is unheard of to pass over the original inventor of an equation and to give credit to someone, who claims to have derived it AFTER the equation and its derivation have been published. The equation “E=mc^2″ should be called the “De Pretto Equation” not the “Einstein Equation.”
                          This raises the question: “What sort of man was Einstein?” Is there evidence that he may have been prone to unethical behavior? One website reports “Einstein… was still far from the ideal husband. A year before they married, Maric gave birth to a daughter, Lieserl, while Einstein was away. The child’s fate is unknown – she is presumed to have been given up for adoption, perhaps under pressure from Einstein, who is thought to have never seen his first born. After the marriage, Mileva bore two sons but the family was not to stay together. Einstein began an affair with his cousin Elsa Lowenthal while on a trip to Berlin in 1912, leaving Mileva and his family two years later. Einstein and Mileva finally divorced in 1919, but not until after Einstein sent his wife a list of ‘conditions’ under which he was willing to remain married. The list included such autocratic demands as ‘You are neither to expect intimacy nor to reproach me in any way’. After the divorce, he saw little of his sons. The elder, Hans Albert, later reflected ‘Probably the only project he ever gave up on was me.’ The younger, Eduard, was diagnosed with schizophrenia and died in an asylum. Einstein married Elsa soon after the divorce, but a few years later began an affair with Betty Neumann, the niece of a friend… Accusations of plagiarism aren’t limited to Mileva – it’s also been claimed that Einstein stole the work of a host of other physicists. One question which may remain moot is quite how much Einstein drew from the work of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincare in formulating the theory of special relativity. Elements of Einstein’s 1905 paper paralleled parts of a 1904 paper by Lorentz and a contemporary paper by Poincare. Although Einstein read earlier papers by the two, he claimed not to have seen these later works before writing the 1905 paper. One apparently damning fact is that the 1905 paper on special relativity had no references, suggesting that Einstein was consciously hiding his tracks.”
                          One source notes “David Hilbert submitted an article containing the correct field equations for general relativity five days before Einstein.” Another source notes “Einstein presented his paper on November 25, 1915 in Berlin and Hilbert had presented his paper on November 20 in Göttingen. On November 18, Hilbert received a letter from Einstein thanking him for sending him a draft of the treatise Hilbert was to deliver on the 20th. So, in fact, Hilbert had sent a copy of his work at least two weeks in advance to Einstein before either of the two men delivered their lectures, but Einstein did not send Hilbert an advance copy of his.” Apparently Hilbert’s work was soon to become “Einstein’s work.”
                          The historic record is readily available and the truth is known to many scientists and historians, even if they are afraid to say anything. The idea that light had a finite speed was proven by Michelson and Morley decades before Einstein. Hendrik Lorentz determined the equations showing relativistic time and length contractions which become significant as the speed of light is approached. These gentlemen along with David Hilbert and Olinto De Pretto have been airbrushed out of the picture so that Einstein could be given the credit for what they had done.
                          Einstein appeared to latch onto his first wife, a much more talented student three years his senior, to compensate for his own limited abilities. Another website notes: “…in 1927, H. Thirring wrote, ‘H. Poincare had already completely solved the problem of time several years before the appearance of Einstein’s first work (1905). . . .’ Sir Edmund Whittaker in his detailed survey, A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, Volume II, (1953), included a chapter entitled ‘The Relativity Theory of Poincare and Lorentz’. Whittaker thoroughly documented the development of the theory, documenting the authentic history, and demonstrated through reference to primary sources that Einstein held no priority for the vast majority of the theory. Einstein offered no counter-argument to Whittaker’s famous book. . .”
                          Einstein was a minor contributor at best and in any case an intellectual thief and pretentious braggart. Einstein was still alive when Whitaker’s book was published and he said NOTHING about it. No libel suit, no refutation, no public comment at all.
                          Einstein was the first great fraudster and idea-thief in modern science. His theft of Olinto De Pretto’s equation E = mc^2 gave him considerable scientific credibility which he built a career on. De Pretto was not a career physicist and spent his life as an industrialist, passing away in 1921. De Pretto had published his equation twice before Einstein and was no doubt amazed that someone could claim credit for his work. Einstein used and eventually discarded his first wife, Mileva, who was a much more brilliant student than Einstein and is suspected of writing much of Einstein’s early work. (She may have been reluctant to expose Einstein since he was still the father of her children.) David Hilbert’s work on the equations for Special Relativity was submitted for publication before Einstein and was sent to Einstein as correspondence. Einstein claimed credit for the equations which Hilbert derived. (David Hilbert passed away in 1943.)
                          Some university professors have stolen work from their graduate students and it would be interesting to see if any of Einstein’s students complained of such thievery. A plagiarist seldom stops plagiarizing especially when he keeps getting away with it. Complaints against Einstein however seem to disappear down the Orwellian memory hole. Einstein is clearly a sacred cow to many. A few have even used the word “heresy” to describe serious well-documented criticism and charges of plagiarism against Einstein. The truth eventually wins out and Einstein will someday be best known as a great fraud instead of a great physicist.



                          • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                            Laughable. Only a complete ignoramus would state that he wasn't a great physicist. He certainly didn't plagiarise the General Theory of Relativity which is a whole bigger ball game compared to special theory of relativity. It's the General Theory that blew everyone away.


                            • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                              Originally posted by ash777 View Post
                              Nobel Prize is a joke - even Obama got one.

                              Albert Einstein: Plagiarist and Fraud

                              by Ian Mosley



                              • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                                Originally posted by llanlad2 View Post
                                Laughable. Only a complete ignoramus would state that he wasn't a great physicist. He certainly didn't plagiarise the General Theory of Relativity which is a whole bigger ball game compared to special theory of relativity. It's the General Theory that blew everyone away.

