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The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

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  • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

    Originally posted by c1ue View Post
    Representative of the military, or merely convenient partisanship?
    the problem with "mr y"'s recommendations is not that they don't make sense - they make perfect sense and are not so different from ej's - it is that the american political system is broken. it is easy to unite in the face of a common enemy. that's why there is a saying that used to be mostly true: politics ends at the water's edge. but in a globalized world without a clear enemy, we devolve to zero-sum politics at home, and a politics that is increasingly polarized and extreme.


    • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

      Originally posted by Serge_Tomiko View Post
      About two weeks ago, I met a Chinese woman from Shanghai. Chinese girls love me, so it was very easy to get her back to my apartment after showing her some fun bars and clubs in Manhattan. The thing I like about Chinese girls is they are quite smart, and when they're not too conservative, they can be both fun in bed and interesting to talk to. She's the third Shanghaiese girl I've gotten back to my humble abode this year. And you know what? The pillow talk has all been the same.

      Why don't they renovate the subway stations? Why are your cities infested with a certain ethnic group prone to violence and destruction? Why are there so few new buildings? Why are so many American tourists so fat?

      Honestly, the strength of political correctness in the US should demonstrate to any thinking man that it is the United States that has the strongest propaganda apparatus. Every Chinese person I've met is very well aware of the truth, and I think you are very wrong even about Tienanmen Square. How many Americans can even tolerate the truth - obvious to everyone in the world - that it is black people who cause most crimes in our cities? You're probably thinking about deleting this post right now. You'll never find a Chinese person so deluded by mass propaganda they will shy away from that obvious fact.
      1 ) Most Chinese women I've met are women of sophistication and taste. Not sure where you are finding yours.... :-)
      2 ) Why do you think we care?
      3 ) Having just come from China/SE Asia I can assume you that the racism there is just as strong if not stronger -- and *especially* towards blacks. It's the Vietnamese or Tibetans in China, it's the Chinese or Lao's in Vietnam. It's Burmese is Thailand.
      4 ) US propaganda is subtle, China is overt -- when we were there it was very hard to get anyone other than the official view.

      Certainly the Chinese infrastructure boom was very impressive -- I saw it personally. I also saw it hardly being used. Talk about your capital misallocation!

      Of course, what do I expect considering you seem to have Stalin for a personal hero!


      • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

        Originally posted by jk View Post
        the problem with "mr y"'s recommendations is not that they don't make sense - they make perfect sense and are not so different from ej's - it is that the american political system is broken. it is easy to unite in the face of a common enemy. that's why there is a saying that used to be mostly true: politics ends at the water's edge. but in a globalized world without a clear enemy, we devolve to zero-sum politics at home, and a politics that is increasingly polarized and extreme.

        You know what came to mind reading through that long statement from "Y" ? Canute, sitting in a chair, watching the tide come in while having a great deal to say ....... but with little effect. We keep hearing the same thing, except, for what it is worth, as a British inventor who discovered that the United States has not the slightest interest in a competitive industrial economy based upon intellectual property; it all comes under that wonderful word, Hyperbole! Or, as the good old Australians say; Bullshit!


        • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

          Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
          Not arguing with (most) of your response. What I had issue with is your statement that the Jews control Wall Street and the US Government. Certainly there *are* Jews in Wall Street, the Government, and my local barbershop. I could likely just as easily come up with a list of Russians, Germans, Irish or red-heads.

          Personally, the League of Red-Headed Conspirators has my vote.....

          So far as Japan was concerned, Yamamoto had no illusions: "I shall run wild considerably for the first six months or a year but I have utterly no confidence for the second and third years." That didn't stop Tojo though. Thinking on how both sides really blundered into war, I have to give EJ's latest commentary more thought. What he claims is to come is *exactly* how the Pacific war came to be last time.

          Of course, history never repeats -- but it often rhymes.....
          You're really not being honest here. The number of Jews involved with the power elite is vastly disproportionate to their absolute numbers.


          • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

            Originally posted by jpatter666
            So far as Japan was concerned, Yamamoto had no illusions: "I shall run wild considerably for the first six months or a year but I have utterly no confidence for the second and third years." That didn't stop Tojo though. Thinking on how both sides really blundered into war, I have to give EJ's latest commentary more thought. What he claims is to come is *exactly* how the Pacific war came to be last time.
            The US was embargoing oil into Japan prior to Pearl Harbor.

            Is the US embargoing China for anything?

            Similarly Japan didn't hold large sums of US Treasuries, nor was there (I believe) a lot of trade.

            In this light it is far easier to understand why Tojo did what he did. The facts which Tojo as well as Yamamoto understood (the US being both far larger and more technologically advanced), no one disputes.


            • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

              Originally posted by Serge_Tomiko View Post
              You're really not being honest here. The number of Jews involved with the power elite is vastly disproportionate to their absolute numbers.
              Your proof please?


              • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                The US was embargoing oil into Japan prior to Pearl Harbor.

                Is the US embargoing China for anything?

                Similarly Japan didn't hold large sums of US Treasuries, nor was there (I believe) a lot of trade.

                In this light it is far easier to understand why Tojo did what he did. The facts which Tojo as well as Yamamoto understood (the US being both far larger and more technologically advanced), no one disputes.
                Did not China start restricting rare earth exports at one point? What if China starts pressuring the US via it's Treasury holdings? Who says it'll be China being the "trapped" aggressor? I think very well could be the US.

                I'm thinking about how both sides felt they were boxed into a corner -- aggravated by misinterpretations by the politicians complemented by a Japanese military decided on eventual conflict (the argument wasn't about going to war, it was whether to attack the US/Britain or the USSR)

                I'm just wondering how both sides could blunder into conflict.


                • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                  Originally posted by Serge_Tomiko View Post
                  Honestly, the strength of political correctness in the US should demonstrate to any thinking man that it is the United States that has the strongest propaganda apparatus. Every Chinese person I've met is very well aware of the truth, and I think you are very wrong even about Tienanmen Square.
                  really? go ahead. name 1 event in usa history that the usa gov't has erased.

                  How many Americans can even tolerate the truth - obvious to everyone in the world - that it is black people who cause most crimes in our cities? You're probably thinking about deleting this post right now. You'll never find a Chinese person so deluded by mass propaganda they will shy away from that obvious fact.
                  if more criminals in usa cities are african vs russian or italian... what's your solution? treat all blacks as criminals... like the cops do?

                  congrats on bedding the racist chinese chicks. they don't know any better. chances are they won't see 1 black guy on the street in a year in china. all they know about blacks is what they watch in usa movies... the ones chinese officials let them see. what's your excuse?

                  btw, this account by a black guy living in china is hilarious... lists the questions he gets from the locals all the time...

                  Question #3: So… is it true? Do you have a big penis?
                  IC: WTF?! Dude, I don’t even know you! What the hell happened to hello? How are you just going to walk up to me on the street, obviously drunk, and ask me some profane shit like that? Of course I do!

                  Question #4: Can I touch your hair?
                  IC: What the fuck is this, a petting zoo? Hell naw you can’t touch my hair. What kinda shit is that to ask someone? Can you touch my hair? Get outta here.



                  • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                    Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
                    Did not China start restricting rare earth exports at one point? What if China starts pressuring the US via it's Treasury holdings? Who says it'll be China being the "trapped" aggressor? I think very well could be the US.

                    That's right.


                    • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                      Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
                      So the military-industrial complex would be one of the "investment sectors"? Welcome back Daddy Warbucks -- if you ever indeed left.....

                      Certainly if we see any serious mobilization, we are on the cusp. I can not recall a situation when there has been a mass mobilization and those forces have *not* been used.
                      I've mentioned this before, but If you had invested in humvee manufacturers after 9/11/01, you would have made a literal killing.


                      • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                        Originally posted by jpatter666
                        Did not China start restricting rare earth exports at one point? What if China starts pressuring the US via it's Treasury holdings? Who says it'll be China being the "trapped" aggressor? I think very well could be the US.

                        I'm thinking about how both sides felt they were boxed into a corner -- aggravated by misinterpretations by the politicians complemented by a Japanese military decided on eventual conflict (the argument wasn't about going to war, it was whether to attack the US/Britain or the USSR)

                        I'm just wondering how both sides could blunder into conflict.
                        The China rare earths 'delay' was due to a dispute with Japan.

                        As the US does almost no actual manufacturing using said rare earths, it is silly to say this was a move aimed at the US.

                        Secondly the US has plenty of rare earths - it simply is cheaper to buy from China. The US is unwilling to undergo the highly polluting, high labor use, low cash returns of rare earth mining/processing:

                        Inside the Baotou Xijun Rare Earth refinery in Baotou, where neodymium, essential in new wind turbine magnets, is processed


                        As for Treasury holdings - I'm unclear on what kind of pressure you mean.

                        Do you mean China desiring to redeem the Treasury paper certificates for electronic dollar bits? Or paper dollars? All of which the US Treasury as well as the Federal Reserve can create out of thin air?

                        Please present something credible.

                        Oil in the 1930's was literally the foundation of modern industry. No oil, no factories (assuming you don't have coal, which Japan doesn't).

                        Originally posted by metalman
                        really? go ahead. name 1 event in usa history that the usa gov't has erased.
                        I guess it depends on what you mean by erased.

                        China literally erases via the Great FireWall of China.

                        The US erases via 'Dancing with the Stars' and starlet sex video tapes.

                        How much mention is there of the internment of Americans of Japanese descent in WW II?

                        Of the many-fold abuses of American Indians in the first 150 years of American Independence?

                        How often is it remarked on the multiple attempts on President's lives in the last 'bad' period: 1973-1985?


                        • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                          I guess it depends on what you mean by erased.

                          China literally erases via the Great FireWall of China.

                          The US erases via 'Dancing with the Stars' and starlet sex video tapes.

                          How much mention is there of the internment of Americans of Japanese descent in WW II?

                          Of the many-fold abuses of American Indians in the first 150 years of American Independence?

                          How often is it remarked on the multiple attempts on President's lives in the last 'bad' period: 1973-1985?
                          people shut out the facts we don't want to hear... not special to americans. show me the intent by gov't to hide these facts. there is none here...

                          but... i wonder if the usa does not also have a firewall. i have a google alert set up to look for a 3 dozen phrases... one is 'fire economy'

                          never comes up.

                          kinda like someone doesn't want the phrase known/used.


                          • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                            Originally Posted by Serge_Tomiko You're really not being honest here. The number of Jews involved with the power elite is vastly disproportionate to their absolute numbers.
                            Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
                            Your proof please?

                            Please don't encourage this line, not because there isn't some truth... but rather due to where it ends up. Been there, done that on a few unmoderated forums and it's almost always about hate and spin and similar - and basically worthless in the long run.

                            If (name of group or religion or country etc.) is really "eeeeeeeeevil" and has supposedly been that way for a long time, the "solution" is usually in the area of euthanasia - to put it politely. And that has never ever ever worked - throughout recorded history.
                            It sure works to stir up emotion and hate and wars and similar though.


                            • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                              Good point. ST, consider request withdrawn and further discussion directed to /dev/null


                              • Re: The Next Ten Years – Part I: There will be blood - Eric Janszen

                                Originally posted by bart View Post
                                Please don't encourage this line, not because there isn't some truth... but rather due to where it ends up. Been there, done that on a few unmoderated forums and it's almost always about hate and spin and similar - and basically worthless in the long run.

                                If (name of group or religion or country etc.) is really "eeeeeeeeevil" and has supposedly been that way for a long time, the "solution" is usually in the area of euthanasia - to put it politely. And that has never ever ever worked - throughout recorded history.
                                It sure works to stir up emotion and hate and wars and similar though.
                                i recall a flotilla of refugees arriving at itulip from a certain right wing site... back in 2006... by my reckoning... daily

