Re: Next Bubble or Last Hurrah? - Part I: Stocks and houses - Eric Janszen
A subject near and dear to my heart. I continue to lobby Jim Puplava to organize a Hyperinflation vs. Sustained High Inflation debate, because all of the people who predict hyperinflation seem to base their predictions on the experiences of Argentina, Zimbabwe and Weimar Germany, without ever taking into account the differences between those countries and the United States.
I've suggested an EJ vs. John Williams debate on this subject several times, but so far Jim's not taking the bait. My strong impression is that the reason I've not been successful is that nobody but me is asking for this. Perhaps if more people made the same request, Jim might be persuaded to tackle this subject, which IMHO is probably the most important question we face navigating what's ahead. The Inflation vs. Deflation debate series was one of the most popular in the history of FinancialSense, and IMHO the Inflation vs. Hyperinflation question is both far more interesting, and far less obvious. Very few people even seem to understand the real difference between the two, which is night and day.
Obviously the answer is of great interest to your readers, so why make it a secret? If you really feel it's outside the scope of this conversation, how'bout posting another thread and making it in-scope in that thread.
I used to want to castrate engineers who would write technical documentation that would say "[some topic the reader really needs an answer for] is outside the scope of this document." Obviously they were aware readers wanted the answer, else they wouldn't have had the presence of mind to include this idiotic statement! Why not just answer questions you know your readers are interested in, rather than taunting them with this sort of comment? If the issue is that to do the subject justice would require considerable space, I can certainly understand that. But another dedicated post would be far better than a tease!
Originally posted by EJ
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I've suggested an EJ vs. John Williams debate on this subject several times, but so far Jim's not taking the bait. My strong impression is that the reason I've not been successful is that nobody but me is asking for this. Perhaps if more people made the same request, Jim might be persuaded to tackle this subject, which IMHO is probably the most important question we face navigating what's ahead. The Inflation vs. Deflation debate series was one of the most popular in the history of FinancialSense, and IMHO the Inflation vs. Hyperinflation question is both far more interesting, and far less obvious. Very few people even seem to understand the real difference between the two, which is night and day.
Originally posted by EJ
Obviously the answer is of great interest to your readers, so why make it a secret? If you really feel it's outside the scope of this conversation, how'bout posting another thread and making it in-scope in that thread.
I used to want to castrate engineers who would write technical documentation that would say "