Re: The American Output Gap Trap – Part I: We have three years to escape or we’re dead meat - Eric Janszen
Again, nothing you've said above is unreasonable - or is anything I would categorically object to.
However, I note that there is no path whatsoever for a recovery at this moment or for the next several years.
The global economy has been heavily dependent on the American consumer, and that engine is dead/broke/busted. There is no inheritor(s) in any way capable of taking up the slack.
Certainly some organic growth is still occurring in the BRIC and 3rd world, but even that is significantly being hampered by lowered growth prospects due to demand side shrinkage.
Thus while price spikes can and likely will occur, these are more likely going to be due to sector rotation due to worldwide interest rates at historic lows than due to demand increases. Or for the conspiracy minded, the investment banks/hedge funds/rogue traders playing with public perception and forward looking commodity option prices.
Originally posted by jk
However, I note that there is no path whatsoever for a recovery at this moment or for the next several years.
The global economy has been heavily dependent on the American consumer, and that engine is dead/broke/busted. There is no inheritor(s) in any way capable of taking up the slack.
Certainly some organic growth is still occurring in the BRIC and 3rd world, but even that is significantly being hampered by lowered growth prospects due to demand side shrinkage.
Thus while price spikes can and likely will occur, these are more likely going to be due to sector rotation due to worldwide interest rates at historic lows than due to demand increases. Or for the conspiracy minded, the investment banks/hedge funds/rogue traders playing with public perception and forward looking commodity option prices.