iTulip Glossary
Since 1998, iTulip has adopted or invented new words and concepts so we can discuss the peculiar economics and markets of our time. Some words replace terms that have lost meaning. The "Currency Formerly Know as the US Dollar" is too wordy, so we adopted the term "bonar" instead, to meet dual requirements for brevity and levity. The bizzarre economic landscape requires new language to explain odd phenomena that iTulip has identified, such as "Risk Pollution," "Frankenstein Economy" and "Bubble Cycle." Then there are pet hypotheses, such "Ka-Poom Theory". And so on.
This glossary is a work in progress. Requests and submissions are welcomed.Posting comments is disabled.
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by BDAdmin
Since 1998, iTulip has adopted or invented new words and concepts so we can discuss the peculiar economics and markets of our time. Some words replace terms that have lost meaning. The "Currency Formerly Know as the US Dollar" is too wordy, so we adopted the term "bonar" instead, to meet dual requirements for brevity and levity. The bizzarre economic landscape requires new language to explain odd phenomena...-
Channel: Resources
May 20, 2010, 07:22 PM -