...and that's in inflation adjusted terms!
A little "gold porn" for those who hold physical gold and like to think about what price might be reached...here's a few paragraphs:
A little "gold porn" for those who hold physical gold and like to think about what price might be reached...here's a few paragraphs:
And the realization that I have personally come to is that the market wants to recapitalize the world, default some of the global debt and settle the rest of it after recapitalization. This is not a human-managed restructuring I am talking about. It is "the mountain coming down" via gravity. So in very rough terms I am looking for the worst transgressors to have to part with roughly half of their gold after revaluation. This will leave them with enough real capital to rebuild within the new, emergent meritocracy... the reluctant state of “Accidental Virtue”.
So the point of this post, what I hope will sink in, is that the future "inflation-adjusted" price of gold, the price in TODAY'S dollars, can literally be anything. Forget ratios. Forget technical analysis. Focus only on the debt! And this epiphany... this realization... this discovery... should be enough to convince anyone to get on the receiving end of this "very unfair" transfer of wealth. Actually, fair or not matters little. What else is fair in this world? Seriously. I am not here to pass on my moral fortitude, only to share my observations and understanding.
And here is the definitive issue. Does gold's "future price" need to suffice at a "gold window" in exchange for dollars? No. So does it need to relate to the $5T in existing monetary base? No. Does it need to credibly establish convertibility with all existing debt? Yes! And how much of the world's gold needs to establish this credibility? All of it? The stock... the flow? The answer is that the global stock doesn't matter. And present flow is irrelevant. What matters most is future flow and the existing stock of the biggest debtors. This is the incalculable calculation that will lead you to the future price of gold.
I put it most likely around $100K, but at least somewhere between $50K....
So the point of this post, what I hope will sink in, is that the future "inflation-adjusted" price of gold, the price in TODAY'S dollars, can literally be anything. Forget ratios. Forget technical analysis. Focus only on the debt! And this epiphany... this realization... this discovery... should be enough to convince anyone to get on the receiving end of this "very unfair" transfer of wealth. Actually, fair or not matters little. What else is fair in this world? Seriously. I am not here to pass on my moral fortitude, only to share my observations and understanding.
And here is the definitive issue. Does gold's "future price" need to suffice at a "gold window" in exchange for dollars? No. So does it need to relate to the $5T in existing monetary base? No. Does it need to credibly establish convertibility with all existing debt? Yes! And how much of the world's gold needs to establish this credibility? All of it? The stock... the flow? The answer is that the global stock doesn't matter. And present flow is irrelevant. What matters most is future flow and the existing stock of the biggest debtors. This is the incalculable calculation that will lead you to the future price of gold.
I put it most likely around $100K, but at least somewhere between $50K....