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GOLD getting KILLED!

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  • #46
    Re: GOLD getting KILLED!

    Originally posted by WDCRob View Post
    Oh dear.

    Unless 'down, big time' = 'up 10% in next two months.'
    good luke call... nov. 2007
    Nah. Dollar's gonna gap up and catch all the wrong-way charlies' on a bad bet. You'll all be bunkered down for inflation but deflation's gonna deliver an almighty wallop instead. Treasuries will soar. :rolleyes:
    not so good luke call mar. 2008...

    Barton Bggs thinks we've seen important lows in the markets. FWIW here's the interview.

    I'm also getting this read from a guy I follow - Robert McHugh of Mainline Investors. He thinks we've already past the confirmation of a "complex multimonth rally", although he is intensely bearish for the sequel to that. Biggs is more cautious, suggesting a short sharp rally has yet to play out. Of course EJ does not buy any of this but then EJ does not have anything remotely resembling a trader about him (to the credit of his sober "sit tight and do little or nothing" investing style).
    thing is, you make this comment 'ej does not buy any of this' on a thread where ej calls for a 'first bounce'...

    Debt Deflation Bear Market: First Bounce

    you ignore the whole point of the thread... no new bull market but a bear market rally.

    since then?

    looks like a bounce so far... or the start of a bull market?

    at what point do we determine ej's 'first bounce' theory correct and your 'new bull market' theory wrong?
    bull market

    Definition: A prolonged period in which investment prices rise faster than their historical average. Bull markets can happen as a result of an economic recovery, an economic boom, or investor psychology. The longest and most famous bull market is the one that began in the early 1990s in which the U.S. equity markets grew at their fastest pace ever. opposite of bear market.
    how about this... if the S&P isn't back over 2000 by end of 2009 OR the S&P breaks below mar. 2008 lows, we call the bull market theory wrong and the first bounce theory right. ok?


    • #47
      Re: GOLD getting KILLED!

      Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
      Well it sure isn't getting killed anymore!!

      Funny how the fold price allways tanks ahead of FOMC, then has a huge spike. It's almost, a regular occurance.
      The Financial Physician believes gold tanked recently due to market intervention by the PPT. According to him, "the dollar was down big, oil was up over $2.00 and commodities in general were higher, a very bullish mix for gold. In 60 seconds gold dropped $12.00 on no news that would warrant such a bombing of gold. This was a message from the Masters of the Universe to stay away from gold as an alternative to US dollar".

      There is more at his site,


      • #48
        Re: GOLD getting KILLED!

        Originally posted by K Carlson View Post
        The Financial Physician believes gold tanked recently due to market intervention by the PPT. According to him, "the dollar was down big, oil was up over $2.00 and commodities in general were higher, a very bullish mix for gold. In 60 seconds gold dropped $12.00 on no news that would warrant such a bombing of gold. This was a message from the Masters of the Universe to stay away from gold as an alternative to US dollar".

        There is more at his site,
        might you, per chance, be the 'financial physician'?


        • #49
          Re: GOLD getting KILLED!

          Originally posted by metalman View Post
          might you, per chance, be the 'financial physician'?
          I happened to stumble upon the "financial physician" via one of my newsletter's links.

          On a related note about market manipulation (of the Dow futures rather than gold), Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge posts an eye-opening article entitled "The Flagrantly Visible Hand". He states that "something strange happened during the last 7 or 8 weeks....there was a power underneath the market that kept holding it up and trading the the last 5 minutes, up to 4 o'clock, another 100,000 contracts were traded, and lifted the Dow form being down 18 to up over 44 or 50 points in 7 minutes. That is 10 to 20 billion dollars to be able to move the market in such a way. Who has that kind of money to move this market?

          It was perfect text book setup of controlling the markets."


          • #50
            Re: GOLD getting KILLED!

            Originally posted by K Carlson View Post
            I happened to stumble upon the "financial physician" via one of my newsletter's links.

            On a related note about market manipulation (of the Dow futures rather than gold), Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge posts an eye-opening article entitled "The Flagrantly Visible Hand". He states that "something strange happened during the last 7 or 8 weeks....there was a power underneath the market that kept holding it up and trading the the last 5 minutes, up to 4 o'clock, another 100,000 contracts were traded, and lifted the Dow form being down 18 to up over 44 or 50 points in 7 minutes. That is 10 to 20 billion dollars to be able to move the market in such a way. Who has that kind of money to move this market?

            It was perfect text book setup of controlling the markets."

            zerohedge has become the latest 'insider's' site for market conspiracy theories, complete with 'data' to 'back up' claims... circumstantial evidence that is enough to satisfy those who can't believe stock markets can rally when the economy is in the toilet but after the gov't threw a few $$$ trillion at it. since i don't know who zerohedge is... he's anon... i pay no attention. probably some kid in his parents' basement.

