Re: Paul Craig Roberts on the death of the dollar
Israel has never threatened to destroy anyone; Iran has. Yes they have nukes, but have never threatened with them.
Jew were almost "ethnically cleansed" off the face of the earth in WW2, and don't want to ever face that threat, and neither would any other group.
I am amazed that left of center individuals like Woody stick up for Iran over the democracy Israel. Israel and Jews generally support the social agenda of liberals.
The Iranian mullahs subjugate women, want to kill homosexuals, promote terrorism, persecute Christians, torture dissidents, and trample on freedoms.
They are the closest thing to Nazis we've seen in this century, and would probably wipe out liberals and leftists in this country if they got in power.
These are the facts, Jack. I don't make them, only report them.
P.S. I'm not a Jew, a right winger, etc. I do have a keen understanding of geopolitics and freedom. Plus the absurd logic of the left
Israel has never threatened to destroy anyone; Iran has. Yes they have nukes, but have never threatened with them.
Jew were almost "ethnically cleansed" off the face of the earth in WW2, and don't want to ever face that threat, and neither would any other group.
I am amazed that left of center individuals like Woody stick up for Iran over the democracy Israel. Israel and Jews generally support the social agenda of liberals.
The Iranian mullahs subjugate women, want to kill homosexuals, promote terrorism, persecute Christians, torture dissidents, and trample on freedoms.
They are the closest thing to Nazis we've seen in this century, and would probably wipe out liberals and leftists in this country if they got in power.
These are the facts, Jack. I don't make them, only report them.
P.S. I'm not a Jew, a right winger, etc. I do have a keen understanding of geopolitics and freedom. Plus the absurd logic of the left
