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Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

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  • Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

    well... as much as i hate to appear to be partisan (certainly NOT a 'big R' type)
    just cant help but call em when eye see em...

    and this one really sez it all - like how they in the political class - one side of the aisle in particular - considers themselves to be so... so... above it all, like so much 'royalty' - esp with the stuff they FOIST upon The Rest of US - without even so much as bothering to read what got rammed-thru both houses, with 1 party in control of all 3 branches, with veto/fillibuster-proof margins - on the night before the night before christmas - like it was just so life-threateningly critical (yeah, like before their BS got discovered for what it is, and we wont even get into the bankster bailouts along with the rest of the continuing nightmare from 2009-10, referred to as 'the recovery' )

    altho i'll spare y'all from any more of my diatribe/rant, but just had to put this one up (as i grapple with my own med ins problem$) - its simply too OUTRAGEOUS to ignore (so i'll shut up now, yer welcome ;)

    The Hypocrisy Of Congress's Gold-Plated Health Care

    Special subsidies for Hill workers trample on the Founders' code of equal application of the law.
    • By

    As close observers of history and human nature, James Madison and the other Founders of the U.S. Constitution knew that the equal and unbiased application of the law to all people, especially elected officials, is essential to freedom and justice and one of the primary safeguards from authoritarianism and oppression by a ruling class.

    And so, referring to the members of Congress, James Madison wrote in Federalist No. 57: "[T]hey can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass of the society."
    Today, elected officials need to be reminded of these truths. Under pressure from Congress, the White House has carved out a special exemption for Congress and its staffers from ObamaCare—the law it recently deemed necessary for the entire country. No Republicans voted for ObamaCare. Yet it appears that some of them support the exemption President Obama approved on his ownso they would not have to go on record with a vote for or against it.

    This is the height of hypocrisy, and worse, a trampling of the Founders' code of equal application of the law. Having forced a health law on the American people, the White House and Democrats now seek to insulate themselves from the noxious portions of the law, and from the implementation struggles, indecision and uncertainty that many other Americans face today.

    In other words, Congress's health-care premiums will not rise, but yours may. Members of Congress will be able to afford to keep their health-insurance plan, but you may be kicked off yours. They will be able to afford to keep their doctors, but you may have to find a new one.

    Rep. Ron DeSantis, a Republican from Florida, recently put forward legislation—aptly named the James Madison Congressional Accountability Act—which would end the special exemption. In the Senate, Republicans David Vitter of Louisiana and Mike Enzi of Wyoming have also introduced legislation to end the exemption.

    In response, several Democratic senators have reacted by drafting legislation that would punish anyone who votes for Sen. Vitter's plan by permanently blocking an exemption from them and their staff, even if Mr. Vitter's law doesn't pass.

    It doesn't get more vindictive and petty than that.

    All this began when Congress passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010. It compelled Congress and its staff to participate in ObamaCare and its insurance exchanges like other Americans who don't have employer-provided plans. But in their haste and confusion over legislation so long that few even read it all, some members of Congress voted for the law without realizing that the final bill had no mention of the very generous premium contributions the government makes to federal employees as part of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

    Imagine the horror when these elected officials, who make $174,000 a year, realized that not only must they and their staffers be subject to inferior-quality health exchanges like the millions of ordinary Americans, but they might also have to shell out thousands of dollars for increased premiums if they exceed the subsidy income cutoff.

    The White House, under heat from Congress, directed the Office of Personnel Management to carve out special rules so that the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program can continue to contribute to the health plans used by Congress and congressional staff.

    Congress complains that without its special subsidies the Hill will suffer a "brain drain" as staffers leave their jobs because of increasing out-of-pocket insurance costs. Heaven forbid Congress suffer the same fate as private companies like UPS, which recently had to cut health-care benefits entirely for employees' spouses; or labor unions, like the 40,000 International Longshore and Warehouse Union workers who recently left the AFL-CIO citing as one factor ObamaCare's tax on their "Cadillac" health-care plans.

    You'd think that the authors of ObamaCare would have been prepared to cope with its effects. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin, has already put money aside in his budget to help supplement his staff's health-care costs in anticipation of the new law. Other congressmen should have done the same.

    Regardless of whether or not they support ObamaCare, members of Congress should refuse the special exemption. The law they enacted should apply to them.

    Mr. Bennett, a former secretary of education, is a fellow of the Claremont Institute, and host of the nationally syndicated radio show, "Morning in America." Mr. Beach is the show's executive producer.

    A version of this article appeared September 24, 2013, on page A19 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: The Hypocrisy Of Congress's Gold-Plated Health Care.
    somewhat thankfully - its nice to see rupert's place will put this kind of stuff outside the paywall - when they want to, eh?

    Last edited by lektrode; September 24, 2013, 01:24 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

    William Bennett is to be ignored, completely and forever.


    • #3
      Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

      What about the equal application of the law? Or are a few more equal than the rest of us?

      Note: This applies to banksters as well as congressional workers and government employees. It is a government for the people, not for special privileges for the few.


      • #4
        Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

        Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
        William Bennett is to be ignored, completely and forever.
        I can't say that Bennett is any favorite of mine, but could you elaborate as to why his opinions are worthless?


        • #5
          Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

          Originally posted by Raz View Post
          I can't say that Bennett is any favorite of mine, but could you elaborate as to why his opinions are worthless?
          Tn ?

          personally, i always like to know from what angle these op/eds are coming from (whos axe they're grinding)
          not that i'm not aware of just what side the wsj editorial board is on, but they do have 'diversity' of opinion in their op/ed pages -

          and the best part?

          if someone has something to say - esp if its about people WHO MAKE THE NEWS (the political types esp) vs them in the media chattering class, that just talk, or chatter (twit/faceboob, whatevahs) about it - then their REPLY is usually in the Letters to The Editor the very next day (or so) - my point being that the wall st journal doesnt get away with much on the op/ed section, without immed pushback/rebuttal from any of the so mentioned - not for very long anyway..

          and i've always been fairly impressed with how quick they are to print rebuttal to their op/eds - unlike some papers i read, who only seem to print the ones that either agree with em or ones that advance _their_ agenda.

          and as i've mentioned on sev sep occasions, i usually get my news from sources that challenge my POV - if fer no other reason because i like to see how the other side is thinking (why i dont usually pay much attention to fox, cept for o'reilly, he's my hero ;0)


          • #6
            Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

            Because he's a discredited neocon propagandist. Because Irving Kristol is his biggest supporter. Because as NDCP director he presided over the biggest escalation of the disastrous drug war with such enlightened views as promoting the beheading of drug dealers and the elimination of habeas corpus rights for people accused of drug crimes. Because of his notion that aborting black babies would lower the crime rate. Because of the "Book or Virtues" and the a-historical whitewash he hawks to schools in his "America The Last Best Hope." Because of the Project for the New American Century, the Claremont Institute, Salem Communications and his snoozer of a radio show. But mostly because of his colossal hypocrisy and interminable cant. At least that's why I ignore him.


            • #7
              Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

              O'Reilly is great, but I prefer the original.


              • #8
                Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                ok, fair enough woody - but without getting sidetracked about why he thinks the WAY he does - how about WHAT he is saying?

                you cant seriously be suggesting that WHAT he is saying is somehow unreasonable/deserves to be ignored, are ya?

                the very fact that the bozos that voted FOR the ACA, without even reading it - only to suddenly discover that its going to cost THEM money - never mind what its going to do to The Rest of US - and then _they_ want an exemption for THEMSELVES - from it?

                and when the other side of the aisle cries foul and wants the beltway bunch to suffer the same fate??

                because that exemption _is_ JUST AS FOUL AS IT GETS - and then the dem majority wants to whack the ones that dare challenge _their_ status quo and - even funnier - theres been NADA about any of this in the lamestream media?

                kinda proves my point that they will only focus on stuff that works FOR their team and ignores what doesnt


                • #9
                  Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                  Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                  O'Reilly is great, but I prefer the original.
                  ya think?

                  i always thot o'reilly was more along the lines of this guy

                  (opposite woody... ;)


                  • #10
                    Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                    Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                    Because he's a discredited neocon propagandist. Because Irving Kristol is his biggest supporter. Because as NDCP director he presided over the biggest escalation of the disastrous drug war with such enlightened views as promoting the beheading of drug dealers and the elimination of habeas corpus rights for people accused of drug crimes. Because of his notion that aborting black babies would lower the crime rate. Because of the "Book or Virtues" and the a-historical whitewash he hawks to schools in his "America The Last Best Hope." Because of the Project for the New American Century, the Claremont Institute, Salem Communications and his snoozer of a radio show. But mostly because of his colossal hypocrisy and interminable cant. At least that's why I ignore him.

                    His "notion"? - reference please - given his pro-life stance, will be surprised to see any such view supporting abortion.

                    What specifically about the Book of Virtues causes you so much angst? I admit, Washington cutting down the cherry tree was a bit much ... but come on .. honesty, loyalty, courage, generosity are pretty important IMO even if they are woven in with some US-centric and Judeo-Christian themes.

                    And as for Hypocrisy, it's everywhere, and I certainly agree on the drug war issue. I believe he was our first "Czar". Disaster in my view but hey that's what you get with big government after all.....


                    • #11
                      Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                      Originally posted by lektrode View Post
                      Tn ?
                      Fatuous flacking of sanctimonious blather…
                      addiction to smug racist scapegoating …
                      I could go on…forever


                      • #12
                        Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                        ok, Tn, fair enough - so eye sense the ideological divide is widening - or maybe thats... uhhhh... gapin' at this juncture -
                        tween you (and woodsman) and him - but WHY is what he/they are SAYING in that piece a problem?
                        i mean, i dont have any axe to grind on the messenger here - its the message that i'm getting from the actions of our 'rulers', thats the problem, not him, in this instance - IMHO (cant actually remember anything he did in particular, but the name is familiar, so i defer to you and woody's historical knowledge/pov - not saying i agree, just i'll defer)

                        since if the political class refuses to 'live by the sword' - as it were... (dont expect me to come up with the best/most funny 'isms at this level, but you get my point - from the POV of just another J6P, huh?)

                        why should they NOT die, by the sword (vote, rollcall, NOW on something like this) ?


                        • #13
                          Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                          Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                          Because he's a discredited neocon propagandist. Because Irving Kristol is his biggest supporter. Because as NDCP director he presided over the biggest escalation of the disastrous drug war with such enlightened views as promoting the beheading of drug dealers and the elimination of habeas corpus rights for people accused of drug crimes. Because of his notion that aborting black babies would lower the crime rate. Because of the "Book or Virtues" and the a-historical whitewash he hawks to schools in his "America The Last Best Hope." Because of the Project for the New American Century, the Claremont Institute, Salem Communications and his snoozer of a radio show. But mostly because of his colossal hypocrisy and interminable cant. At least that's why I ignore him.
                          Well you've certainly given two reasons to ignore him. NeoCon and Irving Krystol are good enough for me.

                          I remember the controversial remark about aborting black babies to reduce the crime rate. It was taken out of context and used to smear him by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Bennett was responding to a question about Roe V. Wade and the shortfall in Social Security and NEVER condoned abortion for any reasons whatsoever. And being called a hypocrit by Nancy Pelosi, specifically on the issue of abortion, is analgous to receiving a lecture on chastity from the owner of the Chicken Ranch.

                          I will admit to predjudice when it comes to Pelosi: the woman is an idiot, a liar and a hypocrit par excellence. I wouldn't urinate in her ear if her brains were on fire.


                          • #14
                            Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                            Originally posted by Raz View Post
                            Well you've certainly given two reasons to ignore him. NeoCon and Irving Krystol are good enough for me.

                            I remember the controversial remark about aborting black babies to reduce the crime rate. It was taken out of context and used to smear him by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Bennett was responding to a question about Roe V. Wade and the shortfall in Social Security and NEVER condoned abortion for any reasons whatsoever. And being called a hypocrit by Nancy Pelosi, specifically on the issue of abortion, is analgous to receiving a lecture on chastity from the owner of the Chicken Ranch.

                            I will admit to predjudice when it comes to Pelosi: the woman is an idiot, a liar and a hypocrit par excellence. I wouldn't urinate in her ear if her brains were on fire.
                            I almost spit coffee on my keyboard.

                            Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                            • #15
                              Re: Gold-plated HYPOCRISY: beltway style

                              Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                              I almost spit coffee on my keyboard.
                              +1 that was funny

