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IMF Public Debt Data Map

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  • IMF Public Debt Data Map

    I didn't find this listed/linked elsewhere on the forum...interesting visual.

  • #2
    Re: IMF Public Debt Data Map

    The President of the IMF has this over his bed. He claims it improves his love life . . . such as it is


    • #3
      Re: IMF Public Debt Data Map

      Wait, the IMF must be mistaken: Schiff said "Canada" was A-ok?


      • #4
        Re: IMF Public Debt Data Map

        Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
        Wait, the IMF must be mistaken: Schiff said "Canada" was A-ok?
        Well ... we do still have all that oil on the other chart


        • #5
          Re: IMF Public Debt Data Map

          Is that new? Looks l;ike it needs debugging.

          Australia shows in green but disappears when you scroll over the green square in the legend.

          But it shows up again (along with Canada & the US) when you put your mouse cursor over the red square in the legend.

          I would have bet Canada's numbers would be higher than the US but that doesn't surprise me as much as India & China.

          ... Haven't Bass and Chanos and a supporting cast of dozens made the opposite case from what that map shows? The Indian government staying static or downsizing for some time, while the Chinese governments from the smallest to the largest exercising more control over the economy -ordering railroads built between abandoned cities (also forcibly built by government decree). ?

          As far as I've been able to find out, Indian land and housing prices have not risen much since 2007/8 while China's ... : (


          • #6
            Re: IMF Public Debt Data Map

            Originally posted by Spartacus View Post
            Australia shows in green but disappears when you scroll over the green square in the legend.
            But it shows up again (along with Canada & the US) when you put your mouse cursor over the red square in the legend.
            Not on my computer ...

            I wonder: Australia has low depbt. If (when) the housing bubble pops, will the government of Australia increase the debt to save the banks, like US did?


            • #7
              Re: IMF Public Debt Data Map

              From an upcoming worldview analysis: Who's got the debt and who's got the growth?

              Government debt as a percent of real GDP 2009. (Source: IMF)

              Real GDP growth annual 2009.

              The growth picture has improved for the US since 2009, but the US, the UK and Canada have the highest debt and the slowest growth. No wonder Robert Rubin joined the chorus of US government debt doomers at Davos.

